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Why You Should Join Ironwood's Marching Band

Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Joleen Cope

Staff Reporter

High school can be near unbearable for many people. The biggest thing that helps ease this stress is all of the programs and activities that are offered to the students. For many, the activity that helps them through the stress of high school is marching band.

As years have gone by, the amount of new people who join the band program has decreased. Each year the band in general, along with the community surrounding it, seems to go down in size. “The band is nothing without the community”. I have heard Mr. Salcido, our band director, say this so many times and it could not be more true. As a band member myself, I have seen how the community is vital for the band. It has been tough this year to get out there as our marching season was pretty much canceled, but without the support we get from the administration and all of the amazing families that continue to donate to fundraisers, we would not be here. The community is so very important to us and we want it to grow.

The band community is such a lovely and fun group of people to be around. Those who are still thriving in the program would love to see some new faces. Everyone is so very welcoming, and meeting new people would be great for everyone. If you are afraid of judgement or people being anything besides kind, you do not even have to worry about it. The band is full of love and support. Although there are the tough spots, like everyone else has every once in a while, it gets worked through together and everything works out the way it should. The band family stays a band family.

If you do not have experience with playing instruments, you can always learn. The band community is very open to helping those who need it. Everyone starts somewhere and we understand that more than anyone. Learning something new is difficult but any progress is great progress. As long as you put in the work it takes, it is a breeze. If you are still not sold on the idea and you have a younger sibling, try talking to them. Marching band is for anyone and everyone is welcome. It does take up time and it surely does take effort, but it is totally worth it.

Being included in the band program teaches so many skills for when you get out of high school. The biggest things most learn is communication skills and leadership. Doing the right thing even if you may be embarrassed to do so and treating those that are gone with respect are a couple things continuously preached. This is why the band program is so kind. These are the types of mottos that we band members live by and it helps us become closer as a community. So much reassurance and support is also given, helping people continue to move forward. Hard work is shown through each individual and the positivity is so great, which can help anyone with getting out of any funk they are in.

If you join everyone will be happy to meet you and you can make the best connections you have made in a while. The effort put in is very much worth the positivity you will feel. Even a consideration will be very much appreciated, so think about it and I hope to see you there Eagles!



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