Should Disney be for kids only?
August 26, 2024
Savannah Dignard
Staff Reporter
Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth. Should it be restricted to the happiest place for kids only? Opened in 1955, Disneyland has been one of the most successful entertainment parks in the world. You will often find people with a churro in their hand, waiting for their favorite ride, or looking for their favorite character to take a picture with!
On average, it costs about $150 for a Disneyland ticket. This luxury is one that most families save funds for to enjoy vacation and spend quality time with one another. Without the hard work and money that comes from adults, Disney would not be as popular as it is. The price of the tickets do not include travel, hotels, or food while attending the entertainment park. With all the expenses that come with going to Disneyland, adults should be able to enjoy the indulgence of “the happiest place on earth.” They should be able to ride their favorite ride, eat their favorite park snacks, and meet their favorite characters. Ultimately, it is hard-earned money from adults that fuels the economics of Disneyland.
Despite the idea that Disneyland should be open to all, some believe that children should be the only target visitors at the park. Disney offers fun rides, bright scenery and interactive elements for young children to enjoy. Aside from that, people believe that “Disney adults” obsess on capitalistic behavior while embracing childish delusions of happily-ever-after. There is a faction of people who believe that it is childish of adults to enjoy a theme park that was created by Walt Disney, a man full of youthful joy.
The Disney debate is one incredibly relevant today; however, if any adult or child wants to enjoy what Disneyland has to offer, they should be allowed to do so without being shamed and embarrassed. After all, it is “The Happiest Place on Earth.”
Image Credit- Disney Wiki - Fandom
Why Should Disney Be For Just Kids?
August 29, 2024
Em Pearson
Disney movies or tv shows should not be meant for only kids to watch. Why should teenagers or adults feel ashamed when watching it just because they are not kids? The whole purpose behind Disney movies are to entertain those who watch them. Yes, the ideas and concepts of their stuff are more kid friendly but it’s still something that was created for everybody to enjoy as families or friends.
Plenty of the movies that exist today from Disney are still a bunch of people’s favorites. There has been many sort of situations where younger people are getting furious at the older generations/older parts of the same gen for loving the same movie or even Disney entirely. Accusations of them gatekeeping the movies from future kids also have been thrown around.
The whole point of movies are to entertain the audience. Yes, there’s some where it is strictly meant for certain ages. But Disney should not be gatekept for kids younger than 13. Anybody should be allowed to watch their products. As a kid who grew up with Disney, I say that the stereotypes where something Disney makes should be kids only is a joke. Who cares about what adults want to watch? The movies and everything Disney makes shouldn’t be kept away from anyone who wants to watch it.
There’s reasons why other movies and shows out there are strictly age appropriate for certain ages like American Pie is an adult movie and shows like Cocomelon are kids only. I think Disney is meant for everyone because it’s just a source of entertainment in the end if we want to argue as a society over what ages watch their stuff.
I have a solution as to how we can really handle the whole idea of Disney being meant for specific ages. Just spend some time with your family as a bonding activity over it if your able to because Disney should be meant for the whole family, parents and kids.
Image Credit: Facebook.

Should Disney be kids only?
August 30, 2024
Vivian Fassett
Staff Reporter
Disney is a well-known animation company that creates children’s media. It has developed many films, from the classics like Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and Snow White, all the way to newer releases like Zootopia, Encanto, and Onward. Some people believe that spaces surrounding this media, both virtual and physical, should be kept to only children, and the only adults that should be allowed would be supervising guardians of those children. Others argue that anyone should be able to enjoy the media. I argue that these spaces should not be child-only but should be child-friendly.
It may seem like an obvious stance to take, but it is worth saying. Disney creates many films targeted towards children, but anyone who has enough experience with the internet will realize not all online content will follow the rating of the source material. This is a danger if any children gain access to content they should not have been exposed to because they didn’t know any better, clicking on something just because they saw their favorite characters and assuming it was for them. That doesn’t mean the adults can’t enjoy the source material, nor that they can’t create art, music, or anything else related to it. It just means that they need to keep in mind that these things will almost certainly be seen by members of the target audience, even if they weren’t the intended audience of their work.
This is even more important given that the National Center for Education Statistics says that ninety-seven percent of three to eighteen year olds had internet access at home in 2021. These children almost certainly have some level of access to these online spaces, where the art, music, and other related things of communities surrounding media thrive. These spaces must be kept safe for them, so that they aren’t hurt by people trying to be a part of these spaces. If these thing should exist, they must be kept in spaces children could not access.
Image Credit: CNN
How early is too early for fall festivies?
September 18, 2024
Savannah Dignard
Staff Reporter
The autumn months of September through November are some of the greatest of the year. The weather is changing from hot to cool, the holidays are on the horizon, and people acknowledge their gratefulness for those around them!
As soon as fall arrives, the decorations go up and the attitudes change completely; with that, some people choose to begin fall festivities as early as August! The question is, “Is it too early?”
I believe those who choose to begin seasonal festivities early look forward to the joy that it brings to them. There is something about the seasons changing that brings pleasure for some people! It is exciting to let the traditions start early, and if it brings happiness to those who are festive earlier in the year, then so be it.
The transition from summer to fall in August to September allows people to enjoy the fall ambience longer than those who begin in October to November! When it comes to the traditions that people choose to partake in, no matter how early, it is all about cherishing the memories and the moments that come with them.
From one fall lover to another, enjoy the pumpkin latte, put up the decorations and make the memories you are going to remember someday. It is all about what makes you happy!
Image Credit: One4all
Is the “Learning loss” epidemic post COVID-19 really a problem?
February 28, 2024
Kaitlin Holmes
Staff reporter
Ever since the return of students into a normal school environment, teachers have been reporting that students are below their grade level academics wise. Along with the students’ return, teachers have been noticing a change in behavior over all in students.
During the COVID shutdown, students had to learn from home. Because students were now set to work in the comfort of their homes, the urgency to work dropped. The consequences of certain behaviors had no effect on the students, as teachers had no authority over a screen. Most parents at the time became in charge of their child’s learning, and because of the constant change in which students learn different topics, parents were at a loss.
Once students returned, they were passed onto the next grade level, whether they truly learned the previous grade material or not. As said by the U.S. News website, “Public school leaders estimated that about half, or 49%, of their students began the 2022-23 year behind grade level in at least one academic subject compared to 50% last year, according to data released Thursday by the center in its School Pulse Panel, which provides ongoing information about the impact of COVID-19 on schools, students and staff.”
Because students were passed onto the next grade level, students are now caught into playing catch up, for both their previous and current grade level. This is causing students to lose motivation and cause a mental health decline while trying to reach the expectations of the school system.
It is with hope that the school system begins to listen to the problems and struggles that current students are going through. It is not an impossible mission to become more accommodable to the current and future generations of students, so that students may come to school with a willingness and excitement to learn.
It is within human nature to want to learn new things, so school should not bring dread to students just by the mere thought of learning. Change is possible, it can start first with understanding the stance students have with education and try to help change their perspective.
Image Credit: BrainPOP Blog
Outlast: A Modern Horror Masterpiece
February 27, 2024
Caleb Kolden
Staff Reporter
Outlast is a survival horror game released in 2013 by Red Barrels. The game follows Miles Upshur, a freelance investigative journalist, who, after receiving a whistleblowing email, goes to investigate the Mount Massive Asylum, but he soon realizes that going inside was a big mistake, and now his only options are to run, hide or die while trying to escape.
I love this game, I think it is a perfect way to make a horror game, not too many cheap jump scares and very tense moments. Three things I like about this is the story, the atmosphere and design of the asylum, and the ending.
The story is great, and I love it so much. The first cutscene shows Miles driving to the Mount Massive Asylum. When he arrives, he finds armored trucks outside, and mainly every door locked, he climbs in through a window and sees a room filled with blood and destruction, and he hears people running around and yelling, which propels him to move forward, only to be thrown into the lobby from a balcony by Chris Walker. After he falls, Father Martin, a patient who believes he is a priest, tells him that the only way out is through belief in the Walrider, and Martin will offer the way to escape. This propels the game forward. This basic description doesn’t do it justice, but the whole intro sequence is very tense and scary first few minutes.
I like the atmosphere, the dark areas really elevated the horror, especially since your only source of light is the night vision on your Camcorder. The asylum shows the destruction and terror after the chaos when the patients broke out and helps with making everything uneasy.
This paragraph contains the ending, skip it if you don’t want to be spoiled. Miles gets possessed and dies. He is the new host for the Walrider. The ending makes you think, multiple theories have been made to see what happens after the ending. And this ending comes as a shock, throughout the game Miles goes through pure terror, only to die at the end. If you were watching this as a movie, you would want him to escape. However, the game creators toke a bold move and killed the protagonist, and in a game like this, I think it works.
RomanSJ on reddit feels that this game breaks its own immersion, how every enemy doesn’t open doors but instead kicks them down, or checks every locker except the one you are hiding in. They believe that the ai is as “gamey” as they can be.
I disagree with his points, if they were to check your locker every time what would be the point in even hiding? And if they were to immediately open doors, how would you have time to hide in the first place. I believe that he is just nitpicking.
All in all, I believe this is a great horror experience, especially if you love horror games and haven’t given this game a try.
Image Credit: Wikipedia

Batman: Arkham Knight: The Best Batman Game?
February 7, 2024
Caleb Kolden
Staff Reporter
Batman: Arkham Knight is the third of the Arkham trilogy of games, released in 2015 by Warner Bros. Interactive. The game features a main story, with plenty of side missions that all take place throughout the city of Gotham. The main story is about Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight, who try to take over Gotham City and stop Batman, along with the help of some familiar villains.
I like this game a lot, and I believe that people should play this game. The story keeps you attached, the gameplay has a neat and fun combat system, and the characters are built up very nicely.
The story is interesting, and, in my experience, had me hooked from the very first cutscene, which shows Scarecrow using his new gas to scare every citizen out of Gotham, and all that’s left is anarchy. This was interesting to me because it wasn’t what I thought the story was going to be when I first purchased this game. Instead of the open world with civilians driving and walking on the sidewalks, it was an open world with thugs roaming the streets and chaos everywhere. I think this would be interesting to other people because it’s not necessarily what you think when you think about Batman. Most Batman stories have him saving the day before chaos breaks out or, in some cases, during the chaos, but he stops it.
Also, Ironwood High School Freshman Rat Naber thought the same, saying, “The game is definitely one of my favorites. It has great graphics, gameplay, and overall an amazing story. The game is one of the few Batman stories to be accurate to the comics. I like how you can stop the main story line and do whatever you want.”
The combat system in the game is great, mixing the use of simple hits, combos, and counters. Objects in the environment can be used in combat as well, and for certain enemies, you have to hit a certain sequence of buttons to take them down, but those attacks can be used on any enemy. Fear takedowns are fun too, where you enter a slowed down view, and you can select 3 or more enemies (depending on your upgrades) to attack in one move.
The character development is nice as well. Since you are playing as Batman you see how he really feels about things, and some of the villains start to be dissected and you can start to see why they do the things that they do, like Arkham Knight, and you can really start to see how much effort the game developers put into character development, Especially if you play all 3 games in order.
However, others think that this game is not worth playing. “I call it ‘Batmobile Arkham vs Tanks’ because all you do is go with the Batmobile in a forced way, even to solve puzzles, Batman depends on the Batmobile, also the new design of the Scarecrow does not intimidate, the only good thing about this game is the graphics, I am surprised that Origins is considered worse.” Says Aggravating-Pizza-1 via Reddit.
All in all, I think this game is worth playing or revisiting, whether you are a new or recurring Batman fan. It will satisfy.
Image Credit: CDKeys.com

Mental HealthCare: More Accessible & Accepted
February 7, 2024
Justine Bullard
Staff Reporter
Have you ever needed mental health treatment and been unable to get it? According to fountainhouse.org, around 40% Americans who need mental healthcare are unable to access it. The reasons for this include: the price of mental health support; the lack of mental healthcare professionals in America; and the stigma behind seeking help for mental wellbeing. We need to make therapy and other mental health treatments more accessible and acceptable in the U.S.
To start, therapy is widely considered to be one of the most effective forms of mental health treatment. It usually educates patients about how to cope with or even find and end to their mental issues. For example, a freshman at Centennial High School and a close friend of mine, Alysa Campos, has gone to therapy before and she says that she learned effective techniques to help manage her anxiety. These teachings can have lifelong effects on patients, even after they stop seeing therapists.
The average cost of a single therapy session is usually between $100-$200, and it’s commonly recommended to attend at least 10 sessions to see significant results. This means you can expect to spend upwards of $1,000. Insurance may cover a portion of this, but according to The Wall Street Journal at wsj.com, only about half of therapists in America accept insurance.
On top of that issue, we need more mental healthcare workers. Commonwealthfund.org says “As of March 2023, 160 million Americans live in areas with mental professional care shortages, with over 8,000 more professionals needed to ensure an adequate supply.” This is a huge issue, because even those who can afford therapy and other forms of treatment cannot always access it.
Finally, on the other side of this discussion are those who think that if someone really needs help they will find a way to get it, even if it’s difficult. Although this may be true most of the time, we must consider how many people believe needing help is a sign of weakness. A poll conducted by onepoll.us found that 46% of participants thought this way. These stigmas can easily result in people ignoring their issues to avoid judgement.
To conclude, America has a serious mental health issue which can and will have devastating results if nothing changes. We need to make therapy and other forms of mental healthcare more affordable, easier to access, and lessen the negative thoughts surrounding needing help.
Image Credit: airswift.com

Dress Code
February 8, 2024
Brooklyn Hill
Staff Reporter
Imagine you found the perfect outfit for school, something that makes you feel comfortable and allows you to express yourself. But the second you enter the gates of ironwood high school you are automatically subjected to the voices and opinions of your teachers and admin picking you and your outfit apart. Even going to the point of taking valuable class time away from just because THEY don’t feel comfortable with what you’re wearing.
In my opinion I feel that is completely ridiculous for grown adults trying to tell young adults/ teenagers what they can and cannot wear. What you wear does not reflect yourself as a student or a person. But unfortunately, some of the teachers and higher ups make that such an important thing when I could be a straight A student even if my belly or shoulders are showing.
First dress codes are not only a disturbance to the people that are being dress coded, it is also to the people around them. Instead of teachers just simply teaching their class they waste time by targeting a student solely based off by what their wearing. School administrators and staff also love to talk about how important anti-bullying is, but they go to length of targeting someone and judging them for just wearing something that they feel isn’t appropriate.
In my interview with my fellow classmates, Rachel and Ayla, they stated, “dress codes can be helpful when it comes to making sure there is no cuss words or violence on peoples shirts but it is also pushed and enforced to heavy on students to the point where they are even made to feel shamed and uncomfortable in their own skin just for wearing something that the teachers are not fond of”.
Dress codes do help bring structure to the students so they know they cannot just walk around school wearing things that promote violence, illegal substances, nudity and more. I do agree with the fact that there should always be some sort of dress code just to ensure that the students aren’t wearing anything that could potentially offend the staff or students.
But when it comes to a little skin showing who are the students hurting. Especially during the summertime, we leave at the hottest time of day, and they expect the students not to want to wear shorts or tank tops at 110 degrees. It’s extremely unrealistic and absurd. Teenagers shouldn’t have to come to school every day afraid that they’re going to be taken out of class and must put on an embarrassing shirt that obviously shows you’ve been dress coded. They should be able to feel comfortable and confident in anything they’re wearing unless it brings danger or hurt to themselves or other students.
Image Credit: Adobe Stock

The Nuclear Fear
February 7, 2024
Jackson Unger
Staff Reporter
“What is your opinion on humanity using nuclear powerplants as a way to generate electricity?” Out of 20 people that were interviewed, 13 people were against humanity continuing to use nuclear power. In general, the overall viewpoint was negative and was more in favor of solar and wind power. However, the average score of those interviewed on their knowledge of the subject was a 3 out of 10.
The simple way a nuclear powerplant works is boiling water with extra steps. Those extra steps are using nuclear fuel to heat the water into steam that then travels through a turbine that generates electricity. However, most of the population when they think of nuclear energy their minds land on the nuclear bomb that has the power to destroy mankind. Other reasons people may view nuclear powerplants as dangerous is because of the past accidents such as Three-Mile Island, Chernobyl, and recently Fukushima Daichi in 2011. The disasters mentioned were all caused by human negligence, political bureaucracy or shear incompetence of the engineers working at the plants, not because of the nuclear reactors being a “nuclear bomb” as explained by the National Library of Medicine and the World Nuclear Association.
Compared to other forms of power generation sources, such as solar and wind power, nuclear power has a negative aura around it despite its apparent advantages. On average the Palo Verde Generating Station, in western Arizona, produces on average 3.3 gigawatts of electricity capable of providing power to 4 million people according to U.S. Energy Information Administration. In comparison, the Solana Generating Station, a solar powered plant, has a gross output reaching up to 280 megawatts, enough to power 70,000 homes or approximately provide power to 185,500 people.
However, the greatest concern that most people have of a nuclear power plant, is the storage of nuclear waste. A nuclear reactor uses uranium pellets as fuel rods and approximately after 10-20 years those fuel rods are placed into a spent fuel pool where they discharge the last of its radioactive particles before being put into large steel and concrete containers where they are maintained under 24/7 supervision to prevent any sort of leakage or sabotage. The methods used to store the used nuclear waste are regarded as being so safe, you could swim in the spent fuel pool and be in cleaner water than water found in a personal pool.
Unfortunately, despite the large amount of information that supports the reasons for the United States to become a completely nuclear powered country, replacing fossil fuel plants and not as efficient solar and wind power plants, have been widely disregarded. No new nuclear power plants have been built since the construction of the Palo Verde Generating station and only 1 nuclear reactor has come online since then.
Image Credit: upload.wikimedia.org
Why Community Colleges Outshine Universities
February 6, 2024
Rachel Mealy
Staff Reporter
Community colleges have often been overlooked in favor of traditional universities, but their unique advantages make them a great choice for many students. One of the primary advantages of community colleges is their affordability. Tuition fees are generally lower, allowing students to pursue high education without accumulating student loan debt. This accessibility makes community college an attractive choice for those seeking quality education without breaking the bank.
Community colleges offer a more flexible schedule for students, which balances education and other priorities. Ayla, a student from Ironwood Highschool stated their opinion on the factor, “I personally believe that community colleges are better for students who want to live at home and go to school, it’s also best for those who work”. Additionally, their locations in local communities increase accessibilities, reducing the need for students to relocate, or pay for additional living expenses.
Smaller class sizes foster a more personalized and interactive learning environment. Students can receive individual help in class. Leading to a better understanding of course material. Many teachers argue that smaller classes “allow students to get more individual attention and result in better grades and better test scores” (U.S. News and World Report 2).
Some may disagree and believe that regular universities are better for students, so they can experience the “college experience”. The pros of community colleges outweigh the importance of a “college experience”.
While universities have their perks, community colleges offer an alternative that caters to the student’s needs. From cost and a focus on particle skills, these elements prove that a quality education can be achieved without a heavy price. Ultimately the decision between community and university colleges should be based on personal preference and goals.
Image Credit: Wikipedia

Ironwood Should Implement Shorter Classes
February 7, 2024
Ayla Cuskic
Staff Reporter
Ironwood High School should implement shorter class periods because it can improve students' focus, make a better environment for students and teachers, and can provide more subject coverage.
Ironwood high school currently has one hour and thirty-minute class periods. Many students struggle with staying focused and staying awake during these long classes. Rachel Mealy, a senior at Ironwood high school says, “I struggle focusing on the subject and start getting really tired after being in class that long.”
According to PLD Lamplighter, short length classes are often favored by people because it allows students to focus more on class. Students will have to focus for a shorter amount of time and are less likely to get bored.
Mrs. Laura Kinner Fournier mentioned “I still think it’s very difficult for a teenager, and even a teacher, to sit in the same place for 90 minutes.” Since with shorter classes it is more focused, students are able to stay on task and learn better, there will be less distractions which means a better environment for the students and the teacher.
Some people may disagree and say that short classes are not sufficient because there is not enough learning time. This may be true since more time equals more time for the teacher to go over the subject, but students will end up getting bored with the long and tedious class lengths. Shorter classes will eliminate this and make students more productive and focused.
With shorter classes, it means there can be more subject coverage. If shorter classes are implemented, more classes can be added to a student's schedule. This can help students get their credits done faster and it gives them the opportunity to take more classes they want to take.
These are the reasons why I think ironwood high school should implement shorter class periods. I think it'll help immensely with student focus, creating better class environments, and provide more subject coverage.
Image Credit: Andrew Johnson

YouTube is Dangerous For Kids
February 8, 2024
Kaitlin Holmes
Staff reporter
With recent times, children are becoming more exposed to technology. One of the main platforms on the internet that is the most popular with children is YouTube. This platform has many positive and beneficial aspects that can help children develop, but without supervision, YouTube can become dangerous.
The Statista website has conducted a survey based on how often parents let their child under the age of 11 watch YouTube every day. The results have shown that over 35% of parents let their child watch YouTube several times a day. Unless the children are being monitored, it has been said by YouTube that they do not recommend the platform for children under the age of 13.
YouTube has an age restriction, and for good reason. On YouTube, children can run into any type of content. Children can be exposed to videos that can be very uncomfortable or even traumatic.
Natasha Daniels, a child therapist, has explained that child therapists have recently had an increase in children with mental health issues. They've explained that more and more children have been expressing irrational fears and anxieties because of content they have watched on YouTube.
As said by the modern Medicine website, content with common children's cartoons have been released on YouTube that contain graphic and disturbing images. They have stated that a child’s constant exposure to this content can affect their mental health, going as far as stunting the child’s mental growth.
With the problems of YouTube, the responsibility mainly falls onto the parents. Parents must understand that YouTube is not intended for children. There is a lot of content that is educational and can be very helpful to children, but YouTube can still be harmful.
Melissa Holmes, the owner of Mel’s Place It Is, an at home daycare for children, has stated that communication with parents is the key. “I believe it is important to a child’s future that they do not have unmonitored access to social media networks like YouTube. A parent should closely monitor what their child absorbs.” Melissa has explained that she has seen the effects of YouTube for the children she cares for and believes that parents need to be more aware.
It is not to be said that your child should not watch YouTube at all, but there are settings on YouTube and precautionary measures you can take to ensure your child's safety.
Image Credit:Wix.com

Should College Be Free?
February 7, 2024
Addy Kennedy
Staff Reporter
College should be free because having a better education can be a huge help to people.
Currently around 43.4 million Americans are in debt because of student loans. Over on the Best Colleges website it is explained that the average cost of college tuition has increased by 14% from $12,615 to $14,307. Also, on the Work Rise Network website it is described that student loans are the main cause of students not wanting to pursue further education after high school.
So, if college were free a lot more people would be able to get a better education without the worry of debt. Grand Canyon University student, Kizzy Kennedy, exclaims that college should be free because not everyone can afford college, not everyone is eligible for grants or financial aid, and the ones who can get financial aid cannot always pay the loans back.
Student loans can also impact your life later. The Investopedia website lists a few of the problems student loans can cause. It can affect your ability to buy a house, you might not be able to save up for retirement, and the biggest problem is it can lower your credit score.
If college were more affordable or free to everyone students would not have to face these problems as much as they do. Student loans can cause debt which can end up causing parents to argue over money. Currently 1.5 million college students in U.S. are homeless, so if college were free our homeless population would decrease, and people could afford more.
There are people who will disagree and believe that student loans serve a purpose. For example, when in debt it can reduce the amount, a person is spending in their day-to-day lives. This may be true, but more people would be likely to go to college if it were free. Also, if everyone is in less debt the overall national debt will decrease and people will get better economic opportunities.
In conclusion, more people would want to go to college if it were free because then they would not have to stress about paying off debt later in life and higher education would be more achievable.
Image Credit: the1a.org

Batman: Arkham Knight: The Best Batman Game?
February 7, 2024
Caleb Kolden
Staff Reporter
Batman: Arkham Knight is the third of the Arkham trilogy of games, released in 2015 by Warner Bros. Interactive. The game features a main story, with plenty of side missions that all take place throughout the city of Gotham. The main story is about Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight, who try to take over Gotham City and stop Batman, along with the help of some familiar villains.
I like this game a lot, and I believe that people should play this game. The story keeps you attached, the gameplay has a neat and fun combat system, and the characters are built up very nicely.
The story is interesting, and, in my experience, had me hooked from the very first cutscene, which shows Scarecrow using his new gas to scare every citizen out of Gotham, and all that’s left is anarchy. This was interesting to me because it wasn’t what I thought the story was going to be when I first purchased this game. Instead of the open world with civilians driving and walking on the sidewalks, it was an open world with thugs roaming the streets and chaos everywhere. I think this would be interesting to other people because it’s not necessarily what you think when you think about Batman. Most Batman stories have him saving the day before chaos breaks out or, in some cases, during the chaos, but he stops it.
Also, Ironwood High School Freshman Rat Naber thought the same, saying, “The game is definitely one of my favorites. It has great graphics, gameplay, and overall an amazing story. The game is one of the few Batman stories to be accurate to the comics. I like how you can stop the main story line and do whatever you want.”
The combat system in the game is great, mixing the use of simple hits, combos, and counters. Objects in the environment can be used in combat as well, and for certain enemies, you have to hit a certain sequence of buttons to take them down, but those attacks can be used on any enemy. Fear takedowns are fun too, where you enter a slowed down view, and you can select 3 or more enemies (depending on your upgrades) to attack in one move.
The character development is nice as well. Since you are playing as Batman you see how he really feels about things, and some of the villains start to be dissected and you can start to see why they do the things that they do, like Arkham Knight, and you can really start to see how much effort the game developers put into character development, Especially if you play all 3 games in order.
However, others think that this game is not worth playing. “I call it ‘Batmobile Arkham vs Tanks’ because all you do is go with the Batmobile in a forced way, even to solve puzzles, Batman depends on the Batmobile, also the new design of the Scarecrow does not intimidate, the only good thing about this game is the graphics, I am surprised that Origins is considered worse.” Says Aggravating-Pizza-1 via Reddit.
All in all, I think this game is worth playing or revisiting, whether you are a new or recurring Batman fan. It will satisfy.
Image Credit: CDKeys.com

Mental HealthCare: More Accessible & Accepted
February 7, 2024
Justine Bullard
Staff Reporter
Have you ever needed mental health treatment and been unable to get it? According to fountainhouse.org, around 40% Americans who need mental healthcare are unable to access it. The reasons for this include: the price of mental health support; the lack of mental healthcare professionals in America; and the stigma behind seeking help for mental wellbeing. We need to make therapy and other mental health treatments more accessible and acceptable in the U.S.
To start, therapy is widely considered to be one of the most effective forms of mental health treatment. It usually educates patients about how to cope with or even find and end to their mental issues. For example, a freshman at Centennial High School and a close friend of mine, Alysa Campos, has gone to therapy before and she says that she learned effective techniques to help manage her anxiety. These teachings can have lifelong effects on patients, even after they stop seeing therapists.
The average cost of a single therapy session is usually between $100-$200, and it’s commonly recommended to attend at least 10 sessions to see significant results. This means you can expect to spend upwards of $1,000. Insurance may cover a portion of this, but according to The Wall Street Journal at wsj.com, only about half of therapists in America accept insurance.
On top of that issue, we need more mental healthcare workers. Commonwealthfund.org says “As of March 2023, 160 million Americans live in areas with mental professional care shortages, with over 8,000 more professionals needed to ensure an adequate supply.” This is a huge issue, because even those who can afford therapy and other forms of treatment cannot always access it.
Finally, on the other side of this discussion are those who think that if someone really needs help they will find a way to get it, even if it’s difficult. Although this may be true most of the time, we must consider how many people believe needing help is a sign of weakness. A poll conducted by onepoll.us found that 46% of participants thought this way. These stigmas can easily result in people ignoring their issues to avoid judgement.
To conclude, America has a serious mental health issue which can and will have devastating results if nothing changes. We need to make therapy and other forms of mental healthcare more affordable, easier to access, and lessen the negative thoughts surrounding needing help.
Image Credit: airswift.com

Age to Own a Gun Should Be Pushed Back
February 8, 2024
Andrea Zamora
Staff Reporter
The topic of owning a gun at an early age has been the main topic for several years. The legal age to own a gun should be pushed back. This ensures public safety and also reduces gun violence. The legal age to own a gun in Arizona is only 18. Most people who are 18 may not have developed the maturity and responsibility needed to handle a gun safely. Many studies have shown that the brain keeps developing in people’s 20’s.
First off, many studies have shown by raising the legal age to own a gun could help reduce suicides and homicides. For example, in Florida they raised the legal age to own a gun to 21 instead of 18. This had a significant decrease in suicides among young adults.
The USA has the most school shooting. According to the world population review from January 2009- May 2018 the US has had 288 shootings. In second place was Mexico with only 8. 2018 was only 5 years ago and there has been way more school shooting since. Most of the people who caused the shooting were only 17 and 18.
I asked my friend Alexa Lopez about what she thinks of this issue. She said ‘’I don’t like people having guns’’. She also stated ‘’that it's scary for me to go to school and worry there would be a school shooting’’. ‘’I want to go to school to learn and not be scared ‘’.
Many people say that we need guns. We need it for our safety. And I’m not saying having a gun is a terrible thing. It is our right to own a gun. It is the II amendment of the bill of rights. We just need to take precautions for people who want to own a gun. First raise the age to own a gun to 21-25. Lastly, we need to do background checks. This helps get guns to the right people and not just anyone.
Image Credit: Payment cloud

The Consumerist Roots in Our Traditions
February 8, 2024
Ryan Thomas
Staff Reporter
What does Valentines Day mean to you? The actual origin of the holiday is heavily disputed. There’s the story of Saint Valentine wedding people in secret after the emperor forbade it. Similarly, there’s the story of a different Saint Valentine writing a note to his lover before he was beheaded, supposedly signed “From your Valentine”. This could be where we get the classic traditions of Valentine’s Day from -romance and love letters called Valentines- but what about our more modern traditions? Flowers, chocolates, fancy dinners, and all the things we typically associate with Valentine’s Day? Short answer? Consumerism.
Consumerism, according to Oxford Dictionary, is “The preoccupation of society with the acquisition of consumer goods”. Just like Valentine’s Day, many holidays began with their own traditions but got swept up in this consumerist fever, shifting away from their roots and focusing on consumer goods. The best candy and costumes on Halloween, the best Valentine’s Day or Christmas gift, and the randomness that is candy and painted eggs on Easter. And all the while, the original meanings of holidays have been slipping away.
But why does this matter? Maybe your partner likes chocolates on Valentine’s Day, and you don’t even see a problem with this. The point is, Valentine’s Day should be about celebrating your partner, taking extra time to show your love for them. Buying chocolates doesn’t do that. I’m not saying you shouldn’t buy your S.O. chocolates and flowers, but I am saying that it is messed up that when we think of Valentine’s Day, that’s the first thing we think of.
How about you just ask your partner what they’d like to do and plan a fun date that both of you will enjoy instead of buying flowers that will wilt in a week anyways? Not all consumerism is inherently evil, I’m not saying you shouldn’t spend any money whatsoever on holidays. However, I am saying that the traditions that have resulted from the rampant consumerism that grips us are wasteful and meaningless. And while Valentine’s Day has been my primary example, the same is true for so many holidays.
Image Credit: The Street

Hard Copy Over Audio Books
February 6, 2024
Lexis Washington
Staff Reporter
I have been reading books for almost 12 years now, and truthfully, a hard copy of a book has a better advantage of learning than audio books. When you physically read a hard copy, you get to gracefully enjoy and remember your memories. According to Imprintdigital.com, Physical books offer a unique and enjoyable reading experience that cannot be replicated by eBooks the “physical books offer a unique and enjoyable reading experience that can’t be replicated by eBooks.” When reading, you experience the highs and lows of the story you read.
Some people even experience how their book feels and can even picture themselves inside these books too. When you are listening to an audio book or eBooks, you do not pay attention to what is being told. Half the time you are moving around, doing other activities, or even letting your mind wander to another subject. When listening, we hardly get to enjoy the characteristics of the book and how it is intended to make us feel.
Studies even show that “reading physical books before bedtime is also a healthier option compared to reading eBooks. The bright, well-lit screens of eBooks can disrupt sleep patterns and negatively impact the quality of sleep.” Reading on a device at night can modify their sleep schedule. Mentally, they are ruining themselves because their eyes are getting physically damaged. If you truly wish to be intact with your imaginative side, research a genre you would love and find the book at your local library.
Image Credit: Prince William Public Libraries