Savannah Dignard
Staff Reporter
It’s not often that you choose to come back to the school you once graduated from, but the new teacher, Ms. Custis, has made the decision to be an eagle once again! After graduating from the class of 2016, Ms. Custis attended college, where she decided to pursue teaching. Last year Ms. Custis came back to Ironwood to coach Ironwood’s varsity softball team, alongside the well-known Mrs. Huckins! As a coach she demonstrates the core values of an eagle; she’s kind, emphasizes the value of hard work, and implements the importance of determination to achieve difficult tasks. This year she has been afforded the opportunity to return to old stomping grounds and teach where she spent some of the best times of her life! When asked how it felt to be back here at Ironwood, Ms. Custis explained, “I am loving being back on campus! It honestly feels like coming home!” As a former student, Ms. Custis spent most of her time in the classrooms that we see daily. In conversation about her experiences with former history teachers she said, “I was lucky enough to have two iconic history teachers, my mom, Mrs. Custis and Mr. Flanigan! Both taught me more than just content, they taught me to understand that the world was here long before me, and it will be here long after me.” There is a reason we say, “It’s just better here” and Ms. Custis exemplifies that as she “returns to the community that helped [her] grow.” This year we are excited to have her back on campus and see the incredible mark she will leave on students!
Image Credit: @ihsactivites via Instagram
August 15, 2024

August 16, 2024
Em Pearson
Every school has new staff members for the next school year or to replace the old teachers and staff that have left. We welcome Mr. Matthew Visintainer as the new vice principal to take over after Mrs. Lewis left. He handles the ACT planning and everything plus with the sophomores.
Mr. Visintainer’s reason for coming to work at Ironwood was because he had been in the Peoria Unified School District for 30 years and has a “great amount of respect for the amount of people that he knows here.” This includes the teachers and the administration of Ironwood. He also says that this opportunity had presented itself to him.
During his current experience at Ironwood, Mr. Visintainer’s experience has been great. “Kids been great, teachers great, administrations great,” Mr. Visintainer states when interviewed by the Eagle’s Eye while he was on cafeteria duty during third lunch. He adds that he’s just trying to find his way around while also meeting everybody here. We all were in his position of being new to IHS at one point or another, so being the new kid on the block hopefully is not as strange as it is for Mr. Visintainer.
Though he has the vice principal position, if he could have a job as a teacherc, it would be as a Social Studies teacher. Now, as a school, the students, teachers, and administration give you a nice greeting to be part of the Eagle family. Welcome to the Ironwood Eagles, Mr. Visintainer!
Image Credit: @ihsactivities via Instagram
Coach Williams
August 22, 2024
Savannah Dignard
Staff Reporter
Ironwood is an incredibly diverse school; some here are wealthy, some poor, all diverse backgrounds and yet, we are all one family! Ironwood alumni, Lamont Williams Jr., called Ironwood home. This high school was a place where Mr. Williams found community and friendship. When asked how it felt to be back as an educator, Williams explained, “It feels good. I know the halls, the smells, the flow of foot traffic. There are a good number of teachers who are still on staff from when I was attending a little over 10 years ago.” After attending Grand Canyon University for special and elementary education, Williams felt called to be a special educator and later returned to Ironwood to pursue his career. Mr. Williams is an avid sports lover; a former Ironwood wrestler and linebacker. Since returning to our school, he has taken on several coaching jobs for the sports he once participated in. As he coaches and teaches, he states, “I hope that I can offer my wisdom, time, knowledge, and care to the students here at Ironwood. That I can be a voice of council and a source of consistency in many of our students’ hectic lives.” Coach Williams understands the students here on campus and aims to be their voice of reason while also being a prime example of persevering through challenging times. Our Ironwood family is incredibly grateful to have an amazing teacher like Lamont Williams back on campus!
Ms. Elvey
August 16, 2024
Wesley Wheeland
Staff Reporter
​Some teachers have said goodbye to our eagle family at Ironwood High School, opening spots for new teachers to swoop in. One of our newest staff members here at Ironwood is Ms. Elvey! Ms. Elvey was born in Lima, Peru, and before coming to Ironwood, taught in elementary for 27 years within Peoria Unified School District. Here at Ironwood, Ms. Elvey co-teaches English I, English II, and Environmental Science to our eagles. Ms. Elvey came to Ironwood because she was looking to get back into special education and wanted to experience the high school setting and culture it has to offer. When asked if she has enjoyed her time here at Ironwood High School, Ms. Elvey responded, “Yes! Absolutely!” Ms. Elvey’s favorite thing about teaching is seeing the impact it makes on every student and witnessing each of their “aha moments!” Ms. Elvey loves to see the excitement exhibited by her students when learning something new in class. And a fun fact about Ms. Elvey is that she has flown airplanes! But as much as we learn from our teachers here at Ironwood, it's our job to teach Ms. Elvey what it’s like to be an Eagle and why it really is just better here!
Image Credit: Wix.com

Mrs. Padia
August 29, 2024
Em Pearson
Here at the Eagle’s Eye, we are welcoming back the staff and students to the 2024-2025 school year with features on the staff who had once attended Ironwood and then came back to work here.
The Ironwood alumni of my choosing to write about today is Mrs. Danielle Padia! She’s an Ironwood alumni from the class of 1995, so it was one of the first classes since Ironwood started. Starting out her school education years, Mrs. Padia attended Desert Palms Elementary, one of Peoria Unified’s 34 elementary schools, and then after promoting from eighth grade, she went on and attended Ironwood for all four years.
The motivation for coming back to Ironwood and getting a position here was her son attending the school and as well as the opportunity to learn about the programs that Ironwood offers.
Her favorite high school memories when interviewed by the Eagle’s Eye are her friends, participating in clubs, and going to DECA Nationals. But if she could go back to being a student, Mrs. Padia would choose to find out different educational opportunities and things that she could do after graduation.
Mrs. Padia was known for being involved around Ironwood and being friendly. Welcome back again to the Ironwood Eagles family, Mrs. Padia!
Image Credit: IHS Yearbook
Alumni: Figueroa
Vivian Fassett
Staff Reporter
Jay Figueroa, a Spanish teacher here at Ironwood High School, once attended this school as a student. He says it was an amazing place to be, and that he was lucky to be involved with the school before it even opened. When he was in 8th grade, they got to give input on the school mascot and colors. There was a vote, and the kids from Heritage Elementary, his elementary school “…all chose eagles as the mascot and it apparently won.” The first year, the school had no upperclassmen, only freshmen and sophomores. Many of the kids were there voluntarily, leading to an environment filled with people that really cared about the school.
He says that it has been amazing to see all the things Ironwood graduates have gone on to do. He says that he had the choice to go to Peoria or Ironwood, and that he “…was starting the Enrolling process at Peoria and then my friends and I decided on how great it would be to start a school and be the first kids at the school. I switched to Ironwood and have not once ever regretted the decision.” If he could change anything, he would go back and participate in soccer. He was on good teams but gave it up to focus on baseball.
Image Credit: iStock Photo
August 27, 2024
Alumni: Schmit
Vivian Fassett
Staff Reporter
Many members of the Ironwood staff attended Ironwood prior to becoming a staff member. One example of this is Ryan Schmit, the computer sciences teacher. He says he loved being a student here, and especially painting the softball dugouts. He used to be a part of Art Club, and in his senior year, the softball team went to Art Club to get someone to paint the dugouts. “…it quickly became a pet project for me” he said, “I remember stealing students from classes to go out there, so I had more hands to help me fill in the letters and shapes of the design.” He would even use his release time to work on it. He feels he was adding his legacy to Ironwood through this and the 3 murals he worked on around campus.
Schmit says he wishes to continue to contribute to the school, stating that “I’m a quiet, private person so my hope is to create a place where other quiet, private students like me can express themselves.” He wants to pass on what he learned to the students in his classes and in the student organizations he is supporting.
He is glad he got to be an Ironwood Eagle again but says that he doesn’t think one can stop being an Ironwood Eagle. His only regret is sleeping so much in his classes and is grateful for the patience of the teachers who taught him while he was a student here.
Image Credit: The CTO Club
August 14, 2024

​Wrestler Brothers
May 1, 2023
Jessica Serrano
Staff Reporter
“The main thing is to make history,not to write it”.- Otto von Bismarck
Wrestling this year had a good season. They won the Division 2 AIA Team Wrestling Championship. Also the two brothers broke history this year. Pablo and Julian Macias are the first pair of brothers to win a state title together in Ironwood history in any sport. Pablo has been at Ironwood since his freshman year. This is Julian’s first year at Ironwood. We asked what made them want to do wrestling Pablo said, “Nothing really made me want to do wrestling, my dad was the one who put me in the sport. From there I just stuck with it. Julian said, “I was put into wrestling at a young age and grew to love the sport”. We also asked them how they felt about being the first pair of brothers to win a state title together in Ironwood history in any sport. Pablo said, “It is a good feeling knowing someone that worked as hard as me was able to achieve the same goal I had”. Julian said, “I was surprised to learn this but it feels good knowing me and my brother made history”. I asked both brothers who were the people to support them. Pablo said, “ My friends, parents, and especially my brother who pushes me to show up and give my hundred percent everyday. Julian said, “My family, friends, and coaches”. How did the brothers prepare for the Division 2 AIA Team Wrestling Championship? Pablo said, “I just worked hard and put my best effort in”. The last question we asked was: What are your plans for next year? Pablo said,“ Win another state title”. Julian said “I plan to take state again and really set a name for myself”.
Image Credit: IHS Yearbook

The Doctors Will See You Now
May 1, 2023
Devin Fowler
Staff Reporter
“Where the art of medicine is loved, there is also love for humanity” -Hippocrates.
The Greek physician Hippocrates has a point, one of the greatest symbols of love is to care for one another. Whether it be performing surgery in an operating theater, patching up a wound on the battlefield, or taking care of a sick loved one, medicine has always been a surefire way to show love. Here at Ironwood, we have our own sports medicine program which aims to educate students about medicine, the class is run by Mr. Michael Suman. Before teaching, Mr. Suman was a college athlete who had an interest in medicine, thus when he heard of sports medicine he sprang at the opportunity to learn about it. As always the learner becomes the master, and Mr. Suman would go on to be Ironwood’s Sports Medicine Specialist in 2007. Sports medicine is just like how it sounds, it is the medical care of sports injuries and the study of various types of injuries as well as human anatomy. Unlike the name, sports medicine can be applied beyond sports for subjects such as physical/occupational therapy, physical conditioning, strength training and even nursing. One might wonder how the subject is taught since medicine is very hands-on? Whilst there are notes, videos and tests like every other class, the students of sports med get to do handson labs that simulate certain situations. Yes, this class does have a club; the Health Occupation Students of America/HOSA, and scholarships are given out for outstanding academic prowess. Obviously, the good people at sports med work directly with IHS sports teams- making sure our athletes are happy and healthy to play and win for Ironwood. So next time you see someone from sports med, take the time to thank them for making our school and world a happier, healthier place, and of course helping our sports teams win championships.
Image Credit: Wix.com

Game of
March 3, 2023
Devin Fowler
Staff Reporter
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” -Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan was correct as basketball takes more than talent to win, and nobody understands this better than Ironwood High School’s Varsity Basketball Coach; Mr. Jordan Augustine. Most of us know him as one of the English teachers here who unfortunately supports the San Francisco 49ers, but behind that curtain of travesty there lies a success story everyone could learn from. As a child, Mr. Augustine struggled with reading, the first book he ever read was about 49ers QB Steve Young which is why he is a lifelong Niners fan. Mr. Augustine played basketball at Arizona Christian University whilst pursuing his career in teaching, his success would lead him to play basketball overseas in Belgium and Germany. Upon returning to the states he began coaching at ACU, soon after, je was brought to Ironwood through his friend Dave Ellis who used to teach at IHS and coach at Arizona Christian. Ever since then he has been coaching and teaching at Ironwood since 2014, for only being 32 years of age, Mr. Augustine boasts an impressive record. But beyond his record is his motives, his goal as a teacher and coach is to make an impact and to see his players and students grow as people, plus, he also gets to yell at kids so that is fun for him. Mr. Augustine hopes to continue coaching and teaching for as long as he can, or at least until Mrs. Augustine says otherwise.
Image Credit: YourValley

An Interview With
Mrs. Kemp
January 26, 2023
Jiana Rush
Assistant Editor-In-Chief
Mrs. Kemp, Ironwood’s new Athletic Director, and Assistant Principal was interviewed by Eagle’s Eye staff to get a glimpse of what it is like being the newest member of Ironwood’s team.
Kemp just started working at Ironwood this year, this semester being her second. She says that this year has been spent learning the ropes here and getting a feel of how Ironwood works. “I love it so far! This is a great place to work”, she says. Kemp is experienced in the educational field; she spent 13 years as a teacher and was also a girls’ varsity basketball coach for about ten years. She and her family moved from Colorado to Arizona, which is when she made the switch to being an administrator. “When I decided I wanted to become an administrator I got my certification and license and interviewed with different places. I was fortunate enough to get an interview at Ironwood and I was really excited when I did because I’ve heard this was such a good school.”
Being the Athletic Director, she has many responsibilities, some of which consist of overseeing the games, competitions, security at the games and making sure that everything runs smoothly at these events. Kemp reflects on working at other schools: “It’s very exciting to be at Ironwood because we have a lot of elite sports teams here. I’ve never really been a part of a school where the teams were in tournaments and had won the state championship. We have a lot of successful teams and incredible coaches here and I’m very fortunate to be working alongside them”.
When asked how she felt about her first year, she says it has all been new to her but she is feeling “more at home” and “more comfortable”. Her goals this year consisted of “getting really good at what she does” and learning as much as possible. Kemp’s goals for next year are for people to recognize our great students and their commitment and success with sports. Kemp says, “I really want people to know Ironwood for our sports programs and our community; I want us to be well known throughout the state”.
On behalf of the Eagle’s Eye and Ironwood’s students, we are happy to have you and grow with you as the eagles we all are!
Image Credit: Eagle's Eye