Bianca Harkless
Staff Reporter
With the last issue of The Eagle’s Eye featuring our thank yous to the senior athletes of Ironwood, this issue we have a slight update as to what things need to happen in order to insure everything is ready for the next season of sports.
To start off, uniforms need to be returned to Ironwood. For all athletes, coaches have most likely been in contact with you regarding when the time to turn in your uniforms is. If you missed the date, you should contact one of your coaches or Ironwood itself to set up a time that ensures the safety of both the athlete and the others involved to drop them off.
For the track team, their uniform returns had to be returned last week. There was a whole procedure in turn, which involved going as far as to bag the uniforms and put them into a large bin where no one would have to touch them until they could get washed. Students should be aware that there may be some safety features involved with returning their uniforms.
Another thing many athletes have had questions about were how they would get the team pictures they ordered. In order to get them, the first thing that you should do is contact your coach to find out if they were sent in time. If they were, find out when they will be delivered and if your coach is setting up a time for players to come and get them. If they are unsure or have not set up a time, you may need to wait until a later date and contact the school.
Although this is not the most important update, it is still something many athletes are concerned about. For all the athletes who are struck with their loss of a season, we here at The Eagle’s Eye are sorry and are wishing you the best in the future. Until we have more updates on this topic, stay positive eagles!
Image Credit: Jeffrey F Lin on Unsplash
