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Track and Field's Shot Put and Discus Team

Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Mathew Futch

Staff Reporter

One of the sports that many do not talk about is shot put and discus. Our Track and Field sports have officially

started up for practice and a certain sport we want to bring into the spotlight is our shot put and discus team.

Shot put and disc is where you get three throws every competition and after they are measured, the farthest throw is added to their season’s total score. Basically they seat everyone in flights, and move them all into champion flights from worst to best from past experiences, meaning seniors are more likely to go first. Those who win get ribbons. To add on this is an individual sport where you are competing for yourself for state. This sport can be challenging if you mess up all three of your throws in the first game because this means your season is practically over.

Ironwood’s shot put and discus teams are very much all new people, so they all have the potential to learn quite a lot .This year their coach, Coach Light, does not want this year to be about winning but instead how much progress the team makes as individuals. Most of them are new which can make it harder for the Ironwood team to win, but Coach Light is ready to have his team give their all!

As we all know well, COVID-19 has caused many issues towards activities in all communities, and sports are no exception. The shot put and disc team will be following regulations easier than we think. All members go up one by one so all they need to do is use hand sanitizer and wipe the equipment thrown. Coach Light will be enforcing this as one positive COVID-19 test in a team could shut down the whole team, which would be a huge detriment for the throwers.

Our Track and Field season here at Ironwood has a variety of sports that anyone could try out for. Shot put and discus are great examples of a sport people with no experience can try out for. Here at the Eagles Eye we know how amazing our newcomers are going to do and wish to give a special thanks to Couch Light for coaching his first here at Ironwood, first with football, and now shot put and discus. Lets cheer on our eagles on their first competition on March 24th!

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