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Safety Precautions Ironwood Is Taking For Going Back to School

Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Joleen Cope

Staff Reporter

Usually going back to school is a given but this year it is a little bit different. The state and district approved going back to in person learning starting September 28. Due to everything that has been going on there are some safety precautions we must follow to stay safe.

Before coming to school everyday it is highly important to make sure you are healthy enough to even arrive. To do this the district asks us to conduct home safety checks. This includes checking for a fever 100 degrees or above and checking for any symptoms of sickness. Some symptoms you should look for are muscle aches, sore throat, shortness of breath, new loss of taste and smell, or any symptom that would indicate someone is sick. Do not come to school if any of these apply to you and be sure to notify the office. Once it has been ten days since your first symptom and 24 hours without a fever you may return to campus.

To keep everyone safe on campus, we must have to keep as much physical distance from each other as possible. This will be maintained in hallways and other common areas. At lunch there will be markers for how far away you should stay away from peers in lunch lines, as you may have seen in many public places. Along with this, the lunch tables will be facing away from each other, so students are not face to face while eating. The staff will also be sure to thoroughly clean tables and counter tops during the extended time in between lunches. It is also suggested that students use the sanitizing stations between classes and follow the flow of students in hallways to avoid bumping into each other.

There are also some things we must remember to do as students. Bring your own water bottle and school supplies on campus. Also, refrain from giving or letting anyone borrow your stuff at all costs. Make sure you do not forget anything at home. One more thing that cannot be stressed enough, wear your mask. This is one of the most important things to be able to ensure as much safety as possible on campus. So, bring your mask to school and respect the rules regarding them.

All of these safety precautions are to ensure we stay healthy, it is our responsibility to follow them. Keep up the hard work and stay safe Eagles.

Image Credit: Markus Winkler on Unsplash

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