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Ironwood Eagle's Eye

RC TikTok Trend

Benny Torres

Staff Reporter

When was the last time you have ever played with an RC car? You know, those tiny little cars that can move anywhere the controller tells it to go, directed by a person? I bet it was years ago since you have, perhaps before you even knew the abbreviation meant ‘remote controlled’, but not for some of the kids at Ironwood High School.

There have been times in the cafeteria where strange, irregular noises could be heard and sightings of fast objects moving across the room could be seen, and the only thing to blame it on are the little RC cars driving around the shiny and slippery floor. You can hear the sound of its tires buzzing and screeching throughout different locations between legs of both the students and tables. It has not been made clear as to who was driving it or how many of them there were. This type of event could spark some other students to have the same idea. This might not have even been their idea to start with.

A small trend has slowly started to build up on TikTok with students at different schools around the United States.You can see for yourself if you look up “RC cars at school” on the search page. On that topic, students of different schools have been posting videos trying to start a trend or an RC car meet with their friends during recess or lunch. In the videos, students can be seen manning all types of toy cars; big ones, small ones, and even little toy bugs! Some of the videos even feature their principal and staff, but not in the brightest light. The staff can be seen scolding the kids for bringing the tiny cars to school and causing a scene for everyone involved.

The TikTok trend has already reached our school and has influenced these students to do it during lunch. There was no interference between this group at our school and our staff, but it is interesting to see if it will continue to go on and possibly become even bigger.

Image Credit: Horizon Hobby

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