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Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Aliens on Watch: Haunted Desert

Kacy Cigan

Staff Reporter

Like all the other 49 states, Arizona too, has quite a haunted history, ranging from “haunted” castles and mines, to alien abductions, to ghostly outlaws from old deserted towns. The book “Haunted Arizona” by Charles A. Stansfi eld JR has a collection for State 48. Here is one story example: UFO’s, Unidentifi ed Flying Objects…When we hear these words, our minds might travel somewhere similar, the thought of aliens is probably number one, others may think of Men in Black or X-Files. But what does the general public think? According to Mr. Stansfi eld Jr, in the chapter “UFOs Over Arizona” he states that there was a poll in America in Jun, 2019, here the results: About 75 percent of people believe that there is life on other planets, 33 percent think aliens visited Earth, and about 68 percent believe the government is hiding much more.

I’m sure our minds went to Area 51… anyway, in the same chapter, Mr. Stansfi eld Jr. also mentions an event that took place on March 13th,1997- the Phoenix Lights. If you have not heard about this or forgot about it. The Phoenix Lights was assumed to be 2 small UFO’s that fl ew over both the states of Arizona and Nevada, the lights were described as “.... two brightly lit orbs, shaped like top(spinning tops)...the orbs where said to travel across the sky with astonishing speed, making sharp-angled turns that would be impossible for any known craft” (page 20). It is quite interesting to say the least. Wouldn’t you agree?

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