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Principal Dunham

Ironwood Eagle's Eye


I hope all of you are doing well, staying healthy, and have had a successful start to the school year. We understand that our current situation provides many challenges and uncertainties. It is not easy, but we will get through it. 

Honestly, after the first two weeks, I am thoroughly impressed and proud of you.  This not the way any of us wanted to start the school year but you have showed up to class, (our attendance has been excellent) participated and have been engaged.  You are doing your best and it is greatly appreciated.  You have helped each other and even our teachers with technology.  You have been ready and eager to learn but patient as we navigate our way through this new educational path.  You are resilient, flexible, and always manage to find humor and fun in any situation.  Thank you for being you.  You are and will always be the main reason that Ironwood is the great place that it is. 

Few things as we continue our online learning.  First, please keep showing up.  Attendance is vital to your success.  Please make sure you are at your class meetings, every day, on time, and ready to go.  Like I said early, we did a tremendous job of being in class during the first two weeks.  Next, and this has really not been much of an issue, make sure to be respectful in the online environment.  Don’t post or show anything that is not school appropriate.  This is a different world for all us, please don’t exhibit any behavior that will cause problems for your teacher.  Do not start meetings, do not take over class.   Lastly, and this is probably most important, you need to do your work.  Sounds simple right but this is a change from the spring semester.  In the spring, if you liked your grade, then you didn’t need to do any work.  That is no longer the case.  If you want to pass your classes and get good grades, then you have to complete your work.  Our teachers are here to support you and will be able to provide assistance but there is a point where you are going to have to buckle down and complete the required work.  The first two weeks were getting adjusted and becoming familiar with the online world.  The work is going to ramp up now, be prepared, focused and productive.

Please make sure you are taking care of yourself.  This environment impacts everyone differently.  If you need help, please reach out to someone - teachers, guidance, me, anyone you trust. 

I can’t wait until we are all back on campus together.  Our Ironwood staff, all of us, miss you greatly.  Until that day comes, make sure you are keeping up on your studies, completing all of your work and being safe, both physically and mentally. 


Mr. Dunham


Ironwood High School

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