Bianca Harkless
Staff Reporter
One person who would know the most about the happening of sports here at Ironwood is Mr. Burolla, our athletic director and vice principal. COVID-19 quickly impacted the lives of athletes everywhere. Many students did nott think that Friday, March 13 would be their last day at school and spring athletes did not think they would lose their sports season.
On March 30th it was official. Governor Doug Ducey announced that school would be moved off campus and onto computers while AIA, the Arizona Interscholastic Association, sent out an email canceling sports at all levels for the remainder of the school year. Coaches had no say in the matter and AIA did not either. They followed behind Governor Ducey, trying their best to insure the safety of everyone.
Unfortunately, there are no make-up games or meets scheduled. Mr. Burolla is unsure about what the district will do about students who had already paid fees or costs that went along with playing the sports. There is also no say in how this might affect fall sports such as football or volleyball. “Right now we are running under the premise that the fall season will begin on time as it always has in the past.” Said Mr. Burolla, “Again, times being what they are, we fully understand this can change.”
People who are impacted the most by the cancellation of the season are seniors. Many of the seniors have been playing sports under Ironwood since their freshman year. Seniors, remember you are not alone and there are people who are feeling for you. Mr. Burolla is one of those people. When asked about how he felt about the cancellation of the season, he said, “These seniors will never get another chance and it truly breaks my heart.” There are other athletes who understand what you are going from. From everyone at Ironwood, we are sorry you lost this opportunity. Spend this time getting better at your sport and improving yourself. Make the most of a bad situation.
Although this situation is less than ideal, there is not much anyone can do about it. Try and stay positive and for athletes, use this time to get better at your sport. Mr. Burolla would like to remind all athletes that “once an eagle, always an eagle.”
Image Credit: Kreated Media on Unsplash
