Trinity Clark
Assistant Editor-In-Chief
During uncertain times it is normal to look to leaders for advice and guidance. Ironwood High School’s Principal, Mr. Dunham, has shared his words of encouragement to the students of Ironwood.
During an interview, Mr. Dunham said that if he could say anything to his students face-to-face, it would be, “[I] just want them to be safe…” No matter what, the students of Ironwood, as well as others around the world, deserve to be in safe and healthy environments. Mr. Dunham and the rest of the administration staff are stressing that. During a time where a novel virus has put everyone’s lives on hold, the only thing of concern is one’s health.
Mr. Dunham also stressed the point that health encompasses the minds of students just as much as their bodies. “Stay mentally well [and] active.” He continued by saying he understood that every student is living under different conditions during these times. Ironwood High School usually holds over a thousand students, making for over a thousand different situations. Some students may not have access to the internet and others may be displaced from the place they call home due to lockdown procedures. Mr. Dunham sincerely encourages students to reach out in any way they can. Support is available to them.
One way that Mr. Dunham believes students can adapt to the current condition is by staying active in their classes. “Don’t give up on learning…Keep participating in the school process, but nothing comes before health.” As long as students feel capable, they should attempt to get everything they can from their classes. Teachers are doing their best to keep in touch with their classes and create new systems of instruction. Many are also giving students a chance to join meetings and post on various forms of group chats so that they feel less alone. Again, it cannot be stressed enough that if a student is having any trouble during the COVID-19 pandemic, they should reach out. Guidance counselors are still available and are more than happy to assist.
Grades are also ensured to get better from this point on. Mr. Dunham clarified that grades for previously started classes can only get better. The only grey area to this rule is 9-week classes, which just started. For seniors especially, it is extremely important that students “do the work.” The only way to get points for a class is to show some sort of effort to learn the curriculum. That is where classes are at this time.
Having a special message for seniors, Mr. Dunham stated, “Not even saying goodbye…that is hard. Questions like ‘Where do things go back to normal?’ come to mind.” Mr. Dunham thinks it will be a gradual process before the quarantine status is entirely lifted. Seniors at Ironwood have had to miss out on a lot. Certainly, many hearts are going out to them during this time of hardship.
Finally, Mr. Dunham ended the interview by thanking the amazing staff at Ironwood. The men and women in the cafeteria have been feeding a hundred and fifty plus people every Monday-Friday since break started for those who relied on school lunches. The maintenance staff have continued to keep the campus in working order and are continuing to make improvements for when students return. Teachers and the administrations staff have done all they can to reach out to their community and create learning plans. If anything is to be taken from all of the work they have put in, it is that Ironwood is home to many strong and compassionate people. We will get through this together. Thank you to Mr. Dunham for driving home this message.
Image Credit: Russell Dunham
