Christopher Byassee Staff Reporter My professional goals in life are to become a psychiatrist or maybe even a psychologist. The main definition most people use is “a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness." The type of degree I will need is a bachelor's degree to start anything which usually takes about four years of college. To truly get anywhere in the mental health area of the world you would need a master's degree in psychology or in some related field. You will also need to have a doctoral degree either a Ph.D. in psychology or a doctor of psychology degree. If I wanted to stay in Arizona I would have to have 3,000 hours in supervising training required for a license in Arizona. As for my academic goals, I want to be more focused than I was during my Freshman year because the virus going around it took a large toll on my mental state and I found myself not focusing on my school work at all. When that is what should have been my main priority, but it was not. However, that experience is what led me to want to become a psychologist in the first place because I do not want a child, or anyone for that matter, to go through what I was going through at the time. But now that COVID numbers are dropping and schools are fully in person I can finally put my schooling first and pass my classes better than I did before. All in all I just want to be able to better myself and educate myself so that I can help people who are struggling with their mental problems or just have no one to talk to. I want to be the type of person anyone can talk to and feel comfortable being around and build up their confidence to be able to talk to other people or even their family members.