Jessica Serrano
Staff Reporter
What is a school club? “A club is a group of students with a designated purpose who are not specifically regulated by a department other than Student Activities.”
Some clubs that Ironwood has to offer are Olympics Sports, ASL, Key Club and more. These are some clubs that the Eagle’s Eye Newspaper has not mentioned this year. The first club that the newspaper mentioned is The Special Olympics Sports. What is Special Olympics Sports? The Special Olympics club is geared towards everybody and anybody. It is a club that promotes social inclusion for students with and without any type of physical or intellectual disability and it is just a way to promote inclusiveness on our campus. We asked Mrs. Lopez, what do club members learn? “We learn just how to be leaders on campus, we learn how to be role models, we learn how to work with one another, the club has members both in our Arise program, our resource program and then our Gen/Ed population”. Did you have any events or competition this year? She said “have been competing all year. We participated in bocce in the fall then we participated in basketball in the winter we participated in the unified flag football for the first time this year we will be doing track and field and then our last unified event is volleyball in April and bowling”. Who are your officers or coaches? Our staff members serve as coaches and volunteers and then we also have some of our tutors and TA serve as officers in addition to our ARISE students who serve as officers. We also tried to do events with student council as well. They do a lot , they help us out a lot because they come in and work with the kids, do a lot of activities with them”.
The next club is Key Club. Key Club is a high school branch of the Kiwanis International. Kiwanis International is a service organization and they have high school branches that are Key Clubs and they have Carlos branches called Circle K as well, but the main focus is community service. We asked Ms. Zint “What can your club members learn from this experience? “Well they can definitely learn how it feels to do community service both within the immediate Ironwood community and within the community in the city because we do different service projects. There are leadership roles possible as well, so they can learn how to lead a club meeting and how to run a committee, all those types of things are involved in Key Club”. We also asked what type of volunteering do you guys do? “So we do a lot of volunteering and things that could take a large number of people since our club is so big. So we do things like volunteer at a lot of American Cancer Society events like Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, The Relay for Life, Those types of things that we [can] do. We also do the Santa hustle run. Just things where they need a whole lot of people, in a lot of different roles”. They also did events at Ironwood, they had Key Club members volunteer at the Unified Field Day. They also volunteer after every home football game, they would clean up the football stadium. Their president is Maya True, vice president is Sean Emerson, treasurer is Olivia Mejia, secretary is Ida Wabe and historian is Marissa Contreras.
The last club is ASL(American Sign Language). We asked Mrs. Dodge what they learn? She said, “ They learn different signs. We start with the alphabet and work our way to having conversations. Now we are talking about deaf diva art which is the artwork that looks like the sign. Their president is Sage Anderson, vice president Willow. The ASL club this year did the Star Spangled Banner ( It is the National Anthem of the United States) at one of the assemblies in spring. We also asked what they are trying to accomplish at the end of the year? She said, “Growing and just being able to have conversations on campus with each other and hopefully influence people to kind of learn ASL”.
Image Credit: Terra Dodge, Liz Lopez
