Grace Goldmeer
Staff Reporter
Graduation is a right of passage that marks students' entry into adulthood and choices. This year the tradition has been changed. Seniors will still get their diplomas and as of now, it appears as if they will get to walk across the stage but it will not look as they may have pictured it.
The diplomas will be distributed on May 21st as originally scheduled but in a different ceremonial fashion than what the student population originally desired. Administration has set up a drive-through event from 6:00pm to 10:30pm with strict rules to keep everyone involved safe. The seniors who participate are allowed one car per family and only the student exits the car to accept the diploma. Seniors are asked to RSVP by emailing Ms. Schmit from their school emails with their full name and what vehicle they plan to bring.
The quick exchange minimizes contact but many students also feel like it minimizes the experience. Those who choose not to participate are able to pick up their diploma at a later date- likely the following Friday or Monday at the front office. But all are encouraged to come because of the uncertainty surrounding the rescheduled ceremony.
The Graduation at State Farm Stadium is scheduled on June 26th but will only take place “If gathering restrictions are lifted or adjusted” ( Currently, Governor Ducey is lifting requirements on salons, restaurants and some stores ,which allows seniors to have hope for their graduation. Nothing has been said about what the requirements for this ceremony will be regarding the health and safety of the students, staff, and family members. The anticipated reaction to the ceremony being approved by Governor Ducey is a restriction on how many people can attend the event and everyone in admittance will most likely be expected to wear a mask.
Caps and Gowns are to be distributed alongside yearbooks on the 14th and if they do not arrive in time the school will set up another day to pick them up. The staff hopes for the students to be able to wear them at both ceremonies and show off their Eagle Pride in the process.
Everyone involved knows that the situation is not ideal. Administration is working hard to give their Seniors back the moments they are missing out on. But whatever happens, the achievements of the class of 2020 will not go unnoticed or un-celebrated. Graduation is the closure they deserve but even without it they will go on motivated to do great things.
Image Credit: Good Free Photos on Unsplash