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GSA: What It Is About and Upcoming Events

Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Christopher Byassee

Staff Reporter

We at Newspaper interviewed Ms. Porter, the club sponsor for GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) and we asked her some questions about GSA. When asked what GSA means to her, Ms. Porter said “it provides a safe place for students on campus where they could be exactly whom they want to be ''. It is also informative, educational, and inspiring. It represents the best of Ironwood and who we are as a campus; you are accepted to be who you are and embrace who you are as a person. We also asked her how the GSA club started, she said “I did not know exactly how it started because she took on the role of sponsor”. It is super inspiring to have a teacher on campus that cares enough about GSA to take on such an important role. The club is mainly run by capable students who have been in the club. In the club, they are trying to connect with the organization 1 in 10, an organization downtown specializing in housing youth who are experiencing homelessness and just, in general, a safe place. GSA will also be holding a trans presentation where a former student Vani will talk about her experiences with education and how she is in college and living her life as a trans woman. They have another presentation that is going to be about gender ranging from toys and even necessities targeted towards women and men. Like how they have men’s and women’s wipes, or men’s and women’s razors which are unnecessary. They also want to celebrate the milestone that the supreme court has passed same-sex marriage. However, they are just starting the year so we at the Eagle’s Eye Newspaper will try our best to keep you posted on the events and presentations they will be held in the future. Finally, if you are curious they hold meetings every Tuesday in Ms. Porter's room in P10 (Portable 10) from 2:20 to 3:15.

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