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Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Games That Can Help Fight Off Boredom!

Joleen Cope

Staff Reporter

I know I am not alone when I say this quarantine is very boring. There is not much to do and nowhere to go but there are always fun games that you can play at home with your family or online with your friends.

A nice, peaceful, virtual world gives a great opportunity to hang out with your friends while also keeping that six feet apart. Right now, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, is very popular and filled with people visiting their friends’ islands using Nintendo Switch online. Many are even holding weddings and graduations in the game after theirs were cancelled. This is a great game for quarantined Nintendo Switch players.

Another video game that can replace hanging out with friends in real life is Minecraft. Why not spend your time in this eventless coronacation by playing one of the most popular video games ever made? Along with Animal Crossing, there are players making graduation ceremonies or events that were sadly cancelled due to the coronavirus. Maybe you could follow this trend and make your own get-togethers to make yourself feel better about whatever you were excited about that got thrown out the window.

Obviously, video games are not the only games you can play, you can also play several different board games to get rid of boredom. Either you can get together with your family you have been stuck with or make a zoom call with your friends and play the online version. There are numerous classic games you can try including Monopoly, UNO, Sorry, Battleship, Yahtzee, Skip-bo, Clue or Trivial Pursuit.

My personal favorite to play with the family is UNO. It is just the right amount of competitive, but it is also very dangerous. Do the wrong thing or mess with the wrong family member and you better get prepared for their wrath. Another favorite is Monopoly, which is perfect for quarantine because it usually takes a million years to play. You have nothing better to do so a million years for a board game does not sound so bad anymore.

I am sure many people are very bored at the moment. Thankfully there are plenty of games you can play to cure your boredom and make you feel better about everything that is happening right now. Stay safe and do what you can to have a good time with what you can.

Image Credit: Simon Ray on Unsplash

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