Wawa Langyanai
Staff Reporter
Are you interested in any sport? If yes, why don’t you check out fall sport! Fall season has a lot of interesting sports such as Badminton, Golf, Swim/Dive, Cross Country, Football, and Volleyball. Ironwood’s Newspaper have interviewed the fall sport staff to review what is going on and the plan for next year. Ironwood’s Newspaper has an interview for a fall sport coach.
So, let us start with Badminton. We asked Mr. Stafford about how Badminton was last season. He said, “Last season was good and bad. The bad news was that our #1 player got injured and could not play the 2nd half of the season. The good news is that even after losing all 6 varsity players from last year and losing our #1 player halfway through the season we still finished 3rd in state as a team and had a 3rd place finish with our doubles team of Melanie Flores and Madison Nguyen.” Then, we asked Mr. Stafford about any outstanding members. He answered, “C’asia Handy was a very big stand out. After finishing last year as a JV 4 player, she works extremely hard and was our #1 player until she got hurt. But as you know, all the girls are standouts as this is a team sport and they all have to perform well for us to finish well.” Next, we asked Mr. Stafford about challenging times last season. He said, “Our #1 player (C’asia Handy) got hurt and was lost for the last half of the season.” Lastly, we asked Mr. Stafford about future events he is looking forward to. He responded, “I just can’t wait till next season and give it another run for a state championship.” Next sport, we interviewed is golf. We asked Mr. Lanning about how golf was last season. He said, “Well, we finished the season, and no one got injured. So, that was good.” Then, we asked Mr. Lanning about any outstanding members. He answered, “All of the members of the team contributed to the effort.”
Next, we asked Mr. Lanning about trouble or hard time last season. He said, “The vans smelled funny from time to time.” We also asked Mr. Lanning about future events he is looking forward to. He said, “We finished in October, but I am looking forward to the Masters in April.”
Next sport we have interviewed is Swim/Dive. We asked Mrs. Lanning how Swim/ Dive last season was so far. She said, “We had an awesome dive season!” We asked Mrs. Lanning about any outstanding member. She answered, “All of the Ironwood divers are outstanding. They all work hard and support one another five out of our six divers qualified for state and four returned for the finals.” We also asked Mrs. Lanning any future events she was looking forward to. She responded, “I am looking forward to next season and we start in August with the regular season ending in October. If you qualify for state, you will continue through the first weekend in November. Next sport, we have interviewed is football.
We asked Mr. Light how football last season was. He said, “Last year was a difficult year for our eagles on the scoreboard, but we had a lot of young players who contributed and played meaningful time for us as underclassmen. We know that these young players are working hard in the off season and are looking forward to seeing their gains being put on display next fall.” We asked Mr. Light about any outstanding members. He responded, “Sophomore Quarterback, Noah Walker started as a freshman last fall, senior leaders Maddox Rich at Linebacker and Aidan Jones will lead us this upcoming fall, and junior Mohammad Salman who started for us last year on defense. We have a lot of young and returning talent.” Next, we asked Mr. Light if he had any trouble last season. He said, “Anytime you’re working hard and not getting the results you want is a tough time, but there are two ways to attack that. We could complain and blame others for why we didn’t accomplish our goals, or we can challenge ourselves to get to work on improving for the upcoming season. Our team has been working hard this spring and will be throughout the summer to improve and achieve our goals.” We also asked Mr. Light about any future event that he is looking forward to. He answered, “Spring ball is fast approaching, and we have a spring competition day on May 19th. This should be a fun chance to see the hard work many of our team members have put in this off season.” The last sport we interviewed for is volleyball.
We asked Mrs. Lopez how volleyball last season was. She responded, “It was great, we set a lot of goals and we accomplished a lot of them. We had a lot of fun and we grew together on all three levels. So overall last season was a successful season.” We asked Mrs. Lopez about any outstanding members. She said, “I cannot choose just one. Everyone had a special role to play, and everyone stepped up when we needed it. We asked Mrs. Lopez about any future event that she is looking forward to. She said, “We are all looking forward to the next season. We have learned a lot from this year so next year will be a great season, and we will try to do a lot with community to build good citizens.” Lastly, we asked Mrs. Lopez about any trouble in last season. She said, “We do not have a great problem, just only injuries that happened sometimes.”The last sport we interviewed for is cross country.
We asked Mr. Antal about how cross country was doing last semester. He said, “We did great. We have a fun and improve.” We asked Mr. Antal about any outstanding member. He answered, “Yes, we have Jaxon Zimmerman (junior), He won the 5A sectional Cross Country Championship. Lastly, we asked Mr. Antal about any trouble in last season. He responded, “We did not have a big trouble but overall, we all did great.” Great work to all our Fall sports eagles who played their hardest!
Image Credit:IHS Yearbook
