Trinity Clark
In light of the recent news that, as confirmed by Principal Dunham, Ironwood High School has 2 COVID-19 cases, The Eagle’s Eye Newspaper wants to ease students’ and staffs’ minds by dispelling any misconceptions.
Those who were confirmed with the virus have every right to their privacy and, therefore, any personal information of theirs cannot and will not be discussed. That being said, there is protocol stating that if anyone was in close contact with the people confirmed to have COVID-19 will be sent home as well after being sent a letter stating why they are being asked to do so. Close contact can be defined as anyone who had a conversation for 10 minutes or more with the person and was less than six feet apart during the conversation.
Ironwood has been taking extra precautions during these times and each case is carefully considered so that all required safety measures are taken. It is an unfortunate truth that as we open more people will be infected with the virus, but panicking is not an effective way to solve it. Everyone on campus can continue to do their part so that we keep the number of cases low.
While on campus, students are encouraged to keep one person per benches on the outside lunch tables and six people per table inside the cafeteria. Of course, our best lines of defense is having everyone wearing their masks over their nose and mouths and being mindful of who they are around when taking them off for any reason. Sanitizing before and after coming to another classroom is another way that we can all do our part.
Certainly, if it was any of our options, we would make this whole situation disappear. However, no one is able to do that, so while the virus is still at large please continue being the amazing eagles we know you are and try to keep everyone safe.