Trinity Clark
Recognition, honor, excellence. All of these things may not be essential, but it certainly feels nice when they are achieved.
Coach Lopez, who is the Girls’ Volleyball coach and a part of the Special Education team here at Ironwood, was recently recognized for the 2020 West Valley Preps Girls Volleyball Coach of the Year award. As stated by, Coach Lopez was a big reason that “Ironwood picked up solid wins over Paradise Valley and Cactus, then swept Marana Mountain…[which] led into Ironwood's biggest win in eight years.” Certainly, Coach Lopez’s presence was felt throughout this season.
When asked about how she got into volleyball, Coach Lopez responded saying, “I have always enjoyed watching all sports when I was younger, but it wasn’t until my own kids wanted to start playing volleyball [that] I started to become more interested and intrigued by the game.” Having enjoyed the games of this season and being able to help the girls on her team out, Coach Lopez also stated that she would be continuing next year while the girls are practicing club ball now.
Making her team feel closer to each other and those who inspire them was quite important to Coach Lopez. During an interview, she described how her players wrote daily gratitude messages to each other, as well as weekly gratitude messages to a significant person in their lives such as a parent, sibling, friend, or other coach. When asked for her reasoning, she said that it was a “season was unlike no other” and that she felt appreciative for the chance to have her team play. Translating this appreciation into these practices for her team certainly made them closer and it showed on the court.
Humbled and grateful, Coach Lopez sees this award as proof of the dedication her girls showed on the courts. She believes it “is a reflection on their successes.” Well done to all the members of Ironwood’s Girls’ Volleyball team, including Christina Lopez, Kaylee Logan, McKenna and McKenzie Omoruyi, Mallory Rich, and Cori Vaquera. Also, good luck to Coach Lopez as she continues her coaching journey.
Image Credit: Trinity Clark
