Bianca Harkless
Your senior year of high school is supposed to be one of the best years of your life. COVID-19 had really changed the way many of us thought this year would go and has seriously dampened senior year for a lot of us, but there are staff here at Ironwood that are working to make sure the seniors get the best year they can.
One thing that many students fantasize about from the time they can comprehend is graduation. Walking across the stage and taking your diploma from the principal, or whoever is handing it to you, and then being done. Once high school is done then you are onto bigger and better things. While the class of 2020 did graduate and are onto great things, they did not get to walk across the stage and take their diplomas. Although it is subject to change, the class of 2021 is getting to walk!
Ironwood’s class of 2021 will walk at State Farm Stadium on Monday, May 17th, at 6:00PM. As of right now, each graduate will get 4 tickets a piece. More tickets may become available when we get closer towards the actual event, but at this time, there is no information about extra tickets. On April 14th, Jostens will be giving out our caps, gowns and announcements to those who have bought them.
The first senior meeting for the Seniors will take place on April 20th. At this meeting there will be a series of topics discussed such as deadlines, graduation updates, final exam information, and senior events.
Going along with the great news of actually getting to walk at graduation, Juniors and Seniors will also be receiving a social compared to an actual prom. The theme is ‘An Evening Under the Stars’ and will replace the prom we are losing. The Student Council, under the advisor Ms. Wilson, understands that students this year have been missing some important events, but want to give the juniors and seniors a different important event. The event will be held on campus, Friday, April 23rd, from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
In order for this event to take place, there are things that need to happen to ensure that it does sail smoothly. One, dress code. The event will be a semiformal, unlike the formal wear that is usually required for prom. Dresses can not be too low cut in the back or in the front, and they certainly can not expose your midriff. You can not wear shorts or t-shirts. Dress shirts and slacks are appropriate and ties are optional. Two, COVID-19 regulations are still in place. Masks must be worn at all times and no masks with valves or any type of opening is allowed. You can wear a face shield but you must wear a mask as well. Dancing is also not permitted. Social distancing is enforced and school officials can and will kick you out if you are violating any of the requirements they have asked.
The tickets to the event are $20.00 dollars and seniors will have the first opportunity to purchase tickets on the week of April 12th-16th. Juniors are able to purchase tickets April 19th- 22nd. The capacity is 400 so it is first come first serve. To buy a ticket, you must have a signed code of conduct and book store debts must be under $50.00 dollars. This event is only for Ironwood students.
For a lot of people, senior year is something they look forward to. In Ironwood’s long history, this has certainly been one of the weirdest years but there is staff who are working to make sure all students have an amazing year. Seniors, please check your emails for more updates and make sure you are paying attention around campus.
Image Credit: Nicci Reeves-Alhark
