Mckenna Omoruyi
Staff Reporter
Ironwood Boys Football has been working endlessly to establish a foundation for a great season. This year is expected to look a lot different than previous years. Head football coach Mr. Rizzo says, “It is a challenge to say the least. The “new normal” changes almost daily, sometimes even hourly. It is truly a time that you must be ready to adapt and adjust at moment's notice. There are some good components to it, however. We really get to see what some of our players are made of. They have had to stay ready in their own homes and comply with many different protocols that make training as a team difficult. “
There are also many challenges the football teams are going to have to face. “Our main challenge is planning. Football coaches are natural planners. We usually have a yearlong plan that begins sometime in July. It’s been particularly difficult to plan out further than a week.”, says Rizzo. They have also had other challenges. Rizzo says, “Football coaches are also creatures of habit. Because of COVID-19 some of the time-tested activities, like film sessions as a team, must be virtual. We have had success but there is nothing that will quite compare to the in-person dialogue and experience.”
Although there are many challenges this year Rizzo says he wants this year's seniors to leave the program with knowledge on, “how to be adaptable leaders. COVID-19 is just one of the many challenges or hurdles life is going to throw at these young men. The ability to take any situation and learn how to navigate it, carefully and methodically, will take them far in this life. This is the ultimate test of their mental dexterity and their ability to navigate new and uncomfortable situations. Most of them are going to go on to college and that is a huge life adjustment. I hope they find the skills and tools during this season to be leaders not only this year, but for years down the road.” The expected start date for football is September 7. This will be a challenging year with many uncertainties, but it will defiantly be one for the history books.
Image Credit: Dave Adamson on Unsplash
