Mathew Futch
Imagine having the opportunity to plan your future and to be successful. Well no need! Ironwood’s new IHS Career Specialist this year provides great opportunities for all students with a variety of backgrounds. The person in question is of course the Amazing Mrs. Padia! An Ironwood Alumni of the class of 1995! She has been loving her first year at Ironwood and the Eagle’s Eye wishes to highlight her and all the amazing things she has brought to Ironwood. The reason she works as hard as she does is because she loves all the students and really wants all of us to be successful. Whether it be college, work, or even the military. “I’m very supportive of whatever people want to pursue as long as it’s not living on your parent’s couch.” She highlights after Ironwood what she is working for. She is a parent of an Ironwood student and did not have access to material, so when she joined the staff she had to make the change! Giving parents and students access to opportunities very easily on the Ironwood Career Center website. Her favorite moments at Ironwood are the chaos, and enjoying the students. She acknowledges how everyone is only a senior once and it can be stressful. She thanks the administration specifically for how supportive and caring they are of the students, “They really want to do everything they can to help students succeed. They provide great support for me to help the students.” Without them she wouldn’t be able to get all these college fairs or the recruiters on campus. She calls out not putting all your eggs in one basket, plans fall through and she wants students to see the variety of options they have, “We have the best military recruiters but I make sure to tell any kid interested in the military to talk to each branch to see what each one has to offer, each branch has there pros and cons and some cons can make people completely change their mind.” She is a GCC, ASU and a NAU Graduate. Her masters is in education and communication. Though before Ironwood she was actually retired! She came out of retirement just to help us Ironwood students. Though before she did work at ASU and worked in recreation, ran for city positions, started clubs that represented school’s to the city. She even worked in construction for a bit! Ironwood is very thankful for the opportunities Mrs. Padia has provided and the Eagle’s Eye would like to give her a special thank you for all she has done.
Image Credit: Danielle Padia
