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Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Arise program 

Christopher Byassee

Staff Reporter

Here at Ironwood High School, our Arise program has recently started doing their “Arise and Shine” coffee cafe, where those with and without mental disabilities make and deliver coffee to teachers and staff. As of right now they have a 20-40 dollar payment plan for the semester or you can decide to pay daily instead. This is by far one of the best ideas for those who have autism or any kind of mental disability. This business will give the students both their social and vocational skills; they also take them shopping to purchase the coffee grounds.

Later down the line they would also like to sell food such as, little bags of cookies, muffins, sandwiches, etc. They would also like to be able to have a stand as if it was their own personal business to give them the experience so that maybe one day they can work at other coffee shops like Starbuck, Dutch Bros, etc. Their main coordinator Mr. Nalley who has brought this staple of Ironwood back online after the treacherous two year pandemic. Furthermore, all of the money that is spent in the Arise and Shine cafe is put towards buying new supplies and hopefully one day they can advance into their very own coffee stand so that those kids can socialize with both their peers and the rest of Ironwoods staff.

Once again, these students who are participating in the Arise and Shine cafe are getting the necessary skills they need to be a fully functioning citizen in society. Even though employers will be and are reluctant to employ people with autism and other mental disabilities, with this undeniable proof that they are both capable and ready to take on the responsibility of working like every other person on this planet. With the help of the Ironwood staff, these students can get the necessary hands-on experience they need.

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