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Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Are Spicy Chips Overrated?

Cole Richardson

Staff Reporter

Food is both essential and recreational, you must eat to survive but somethings that are considered edible are shortening your life. Junk food is highly processed with all sorts of preservatives, the concentration of ingredients is just enough to be allowed for sale and the result of prolonged consumption causes health issues. Spicy chips are the topic, and their features are their downfall.

The necessity for food is apparent in all lives but the recreational aspect is a privilege. When choosing what to snack on chips that lack heat or other crunchy alternatives are superior. While some people can tolerate high levels of spice their bodies may not. Spicy chips commonly cause stomach irritation, prolonged irritation is not only bad but can cause permanent issues. There are tons of brands for these snack foods each with their own issues.

The popular brand Takis has an intense red coloring that looks as if it should be a warning to stay away yet many eat more than the recommended amount. The high content of sodium in these chips’ correlates to high blood pressure and is linked to cancer. While occasionally having Takis or other chips wouldn’t pose an issue it seems that many consume them daily and have extremely high praise for them. With the average amount of potato chips consumed in America being four pounds a year it is expected that a lot of that weight comes from hot chips.

There are plenty of alternatives to hot chips, as well as ways to safely enjoy them. By reducing consumption, the likely hood of health issues will decrease, and total removal of hot chips means they can not harm you. If the elimination of hot chips is the route taken then there are a vast number of other foods to enjoy as snacks such as, peanuts or almonds with seasoning, fruits, even Oreos and other sweets are snack foods.

The world of snack foods is diverse and with that diversity there are problems that arise. While everything is ok in moderation that does not mean everything is good. Hot chips are one of those things that just are not good; from their appearance to their flavor, they just lack any appeal. When it comes to health risks it would be best to avoid these cartoonish red chips entirely.


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