Christopher Byassee
Staff Reporter
There are many different ways of developing social anxiety, most recently due to the pandemic; kids have had a harder time opening up in the real world.
Social anxiety has been around for as long as we can remember. It has increased with the new generation of children. According to Science Direct, “Our understanding of social anxiety disorder (also known as social phobia) has moved from rudimentary awareness that it is not merely shyness to a much more sophisticated appreciation of its prevalence, its chronic and pernicious nature, and its neurobiological underpinnings.”
Many teens experience this because of the increase in physical, sexual, and mental abuse. Bullying from peers., family conflicts, domestic violence, and divorce all take part in their development of social anxiety. This can also include the death of a parent, maternal stress during pregnancy or infancy.
Teens of today are playing video games more frequently than those from the 90s did. Obviously, video games were still played. However, people would rather be outside all day or night. This recent generation has increased gameplay more and is used to saying hurtful things without repercussions of saying them, even if they acknowledge they should not be saying them. Some people are just born with a brain defect that causes them to be challenged while interacting with people.
Although society makes it sound untreatable it is treatable. To treat it, you can take medications or visit a therapist. Most people we talk to have some correlation to the family, people with anxiety do not want to say the wrong thing or give the wrong impression, or make their parents look bad. So why talk to a therapist? Therapy can help improve people in daily social interactions and social situations. Also, they help increase your comfortability in social scenarios. . In this case, it is an illness. Like most illnesses, it can be treated.
Social anxiety can be treated and if you are looking for help there are numerous people you can call, text, email, etc.
Image Credit: Rachel Idzerda
