Christopher Byassee
Staff Reporter
From the Egyptian religion, Eset, also known as Isis, was born, she was a goddess. When she was married, she became a Queen. But a legendary journey to resurrect her murdered husband would make her a savior. From the God of Earth and Goddess of Sky, Eset was born, and she was a Goddess in her own right, loved by wealthy and poor alike, champion to sinners and slaves, artisans and aristocrats. She commanded the force of magic, for she knew the True Names of many things. For in the True Names lie true power.
Eset and her husband Osiris the God of Afterlife ruled Egypt, symbols of order and justice, and led their kingdom to true prosperity. But Osiris had a brother, Set (The Usurper, one who seizes and holds office, power, position, etc., by force or without right …) Set harbored jealousy and malice, and sought to usurp his throne. For him, murder alone was not enough. Set hacked Osiris to pieces and cast them across Egypt. Fleeing Set’s wrath, Eset traveled the land in secret, gathering the remains of her husband. Meanwhile, Set’s rule plunged the land into chaos incarnate and all seemed truly lost. Unable to loathe the powers of her magic to reassemble her husband and give him a new life. That night, their love became a child, Horus The Rightful Heir, Hours would avenge his father and cast evil Set out of Egypt.
Her bravery, tenacity, her skill, and love drove Eset to save Egypt and become the mother of all Pharaohs. Long has she prayed that chaos would never again rise to threaten the rule of order and prosperity, but peaceful days are at an end. This time, it may not be her husband torn apart, but all the world and even the Goddess of Magic may not have the power to reassemble it from oblivion.
Image Credit: Smite
