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The Negatives of Complaining

Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Joleen Cope

Staff Reporter

There have been a lot of negative situations that have taken place this year that everyone can certainly complain about. The idea behind complaining is to vent, a way of getting emotions out, which is supposedly meant to make you feel better. This may not be the case though.

Surely everyone complains about a lot every single day. This could be about the weather, traffic, slow internet, family, or work. The list can go on and on. The point is, there is so much that people complain about on a daily basis. Our whole lives we have been surrounded by people who complain. This could be your parents saying you never clean up around the house, or your teacher saying that they have had to grade homework the whole weekend. As the complainer, it may sound nice to complain but for listeners, it is very much a miserable experience. It ruins their mood, and it does not even make you feel better.

Complaining does greatly affect your mood and outlook on everything, but it is also harmful to your health as well. Not even just your mental health, you can cause long-lasting negative impacts to your brain. According to “Even a few days of stress damages the neurons in the hippocampus (the part of the brain used for problem-solving and cognitive functioning) and impairs its ability to create new neurons”. The article goes on to say that this causes shrinkage in said part of the brain which can cause memory loss and the ability to adapt. They also state that the hippocampus is the first to suffer in people with Alzheimer's.

The negative mood effect from complaining is clear and as you now know, the negative impacts on the brain are just as bad, if not worse. It can make you angrier than you already are and will even affect your total outlook on the situation. When you are constantly thinking about the bad of things, coming up with a solution to your problems becomes a problem itself.

Complaining may seem like a way to help you through the tough times but you are sadly mistaken. Save yourself the brain damage and negative mood and refrain from complaining. Maybe instead find a way to fix the issue and turn it into something positive.

Image Credit: CNN

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