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The Famous 12 Foot Tall Skeleton

Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Joleen Cope

Staff Reporter

Halloween is right around the corner and stores have been filled with many decorations, but I have not seen one quite like the massive skeleton at home depot.

If you have not seen it already, the skeleton many are buying from Home Depot towers over people at an insane height of twelve feet tall. It also has animated eyes using LCD, the same method used on digital watches and portable computers. These eyes move around and glow at night. The massive height and almost life-like eyes make it kind of creepy. I have seen this decoration on the roof of a house in my neighborhood and let me just say, it looked insane. It was even on the roof, making it look especially tall.

Everyone has been talking about this decoration, saying it will save 2020. The internet has been quite obsessed with this skeleton and I completely understand why. Although, I was confused on how you could possibly bring that thing home, but videos on social media helped me figure that out. TikTok user Dienna Nol posted a video of the massive skeleton being taken apart at the store and then being put back together at her house. This video is what supposedly started the hype on this decoration. There was also another video on twitter of a car with the decoration tied to the top of a car. Everyone was going crazy about these videos featuring this skeleton since the end of September.

The internet has been making many jokes and even creating fan art for this skeleton. Many have been rushing to Home Depot to get one for themselves, which is not surprising. They say they could not live without it. The skeleton is priced at $300, which is quite expensive, but some people are reselling it for up to $1000. Hopefully people do not fall for that because that is a lot more money than what they could get it for, but at least the resellers would get profit. It is expensive, but what other time are you going to get the chance to take home a twelve-foot-tall life like a skeleton. I think it is totally worth it if you have the money for it.

If you want to splurge on a decoration for Halloween and impress your neighbors, this is for sure the right choice to do so. Hopefully it saves 2020 like everyone has been preaching.

Image Credit: Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

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