Irma Romero
Staff Reporter
Social media gives us a voice to share our viewpoints, opinions, and beliefs. It unites us, encourages us, and is a powerful source of information. Yet, the information we choose to put on there can ruin our future.
According to a study done by CareerBuilder Survey, ”more than half of employers have found content on social media that caused them NOT to hire a candidate.” Employees have been fired, downgraded, or withdrawn from departments due to their online behavior, shares, and posts.
Social media posts have allowed them to refine candidates based on the content of their online profiles. Companies take an applicant's demeanor on social media seriously.
For example, posting discriminating or derogatory remarks about others indeed leave a negative impression. Rude, nasty, or inconsiderate comments reflect your character as a person, and that levels to your perspective as an employee.
Misspelled words and incorrect grammar in your posts speculate back on you and the business you are representing. According to, “66 % of employers said they viewed terrible spelling or grammar on social media profiles negatively.” It pays to make a great impression on your recruiters and employers.
Many people modify and exaggerate information on their resume; during the first interview to increase their chances of getting hired. According to, “46% of resumes submitted by job applicants contain some form of false information.” When a recruiter or employer finds out that the information told to them was incorrect, your employment chances have become low. Remember that this issue can create some trouble for you for the rest of your professional life and paint a dishonest individual.
Cyberbullying is another example of social media having an impact on future careers. Some future or current employers get to the bottom of it by discovering the source of those malicious posts. Once posts show any signs of cyberbullying, they will start to question you. As with any other destructive behavior on social media, cyberbullying can cost you your future jobs as well.
Your social media profiles mean more than you think. It can affect your employer's decision whether or not to hire you. Acting appropriately on social media boosts your hiring potential and can land you your ideal job.
Image Credit: Security Magazine