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The Benefits of Traveling

Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Irma Romero

Staff Reporter

Traveling to different states or places has so much to offer. Traveling has been the most exciting experience, and I have been able to get out of my comfort zone.

As young people, many of us have not had many opportunities to grow out of our comfort zones. We have grown up with the same people in the same area while living with mom and dad, and we have gotten used to it. Traveling pushes you outside that safe bubble and forces you to do things you usually would not. According to, "Risk taking, when thought about carefully, can help us to grow. When you are traveling, sometimes you have to be willing to take [planned] risks, to make the most of your time abroad and grow as a person." Not only are you learning more about yourself as you burst out of your comfort zone, but you are also discovering how the world works. You also learn how to expand your influence in a new culture.

Traveling allows us to see things from a new perspective. Being open to new cultures and people will significantly shift your mindset and create a whole new view once you return home. Seeing different social classes creates compassion and makes you feel more blessed and content with what you have. According to, "It provides a new way to perceive life, who you are, and how you spend your time. When you travel, you meet new people, cultures, experience new things, [begin] on all sorts of adventures (good and bad), and perhaps even redefine your meaning of life." Some learn to value the little things after traveling, while others learn to roll with the punches.

Another thing, traveling helps us see the real deal. Once you visit a place and form your own opinions, there is a whole new world now that you see. According to, "traveling gives the perfect opportunity to try out new, exciting and authentic [foods] from different parts of the world. Introducing you to unique flavors which you have neither tasted nor heard off and leaving you startled." Our understanding only came from what we were taught in school, read in books, or saw on social media, and it may or may not be the whole truth. Traveling gives us a chance to learn this truth.

Image Credit: MEDIUM.COM

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