Mckenna Omoruyi
Staff Reporter
As we approach the end of this month, our summers are officially coming to an end. The new month comes with a promise of busy schedules. It all starts with a full moon on September 2nd. Then Mars, Jupiter and Saturn all go into retrograde on the 9th, 12th and 29th. When so many planets start to move around like this it means much change is going to happen.
When Mars goes into retrograde it makes you feel very driven, while Saturn next in line can present a lot of obstacles that are going to come in your path. There will be a new moon on the 17th and the equinox will happen on the 22nd to officially kick us into the fall season. This all means different kinds of changes for your zodiac signs this month.
The Aries sun sign (March 21-April 19th), will really be focused on the self. This is due to Mars going into retrograde on the 9th.They will be in the mindset to do whatever they please. Energies from Saturn can also make them feel a little blocked at school or work. They might be feeling a little unsure about how to take next steps in their lives. The new moon on the 17th will help propel you out of that blockage and into a clearer state of reason when making decisions.
For the Taurus sun sign (April 20th-May 20), lots of people are going to be relying on you more at the beginning of the month. Expect requests for rides, help with things or just overall emotional support around the 2nd. Meanwhile, Venus is in the sector on your chart that represents being cozy at home. The upcoming new moon will make you question the qualities of your work or school and you will fall into a deep self reflection. The Sun will move into Libra on the 22nd which will bring you into a calmer state and allow you to go with the flow more.
For Gemini sun signs (May 21st-June 20th) will be doing some soul searching and dreaming a lot about what could be a reality in their lives. Mars goes into retrograde on the 9th in the Gemini house of friendship which means you will be inspired to put more energy into your friends. You may be thinking about the quality of your friendships and if you need to make some changes in your life. When Jupieter goes direct on the 12th, you may have some luck around money. Maybe your friends will treat you out or you will stumble across a ridiculous sale. Whatever the case, this month is an interesting one for you.
The Cancer sun sign(June 21- July 22) has got some serious thoughts and feelings going on at the beginning of the month. Because you are ruled by the moon, the glorious full moon on the 2nd will be making you feel well, a little extra you. You also may feel some unrest and a particular urge to go places. It might just be time to start planning for the future, maybe a nice trip somewhere or an event coming up soon. On the 9th of September, Mars will be moving into a sector on your chart that is all about career. You may start feeling a little more assertive than normal at school or work. The sun will move into your house of home and family on the 22nd of September, so you may start feeling like you want to spend more time at your house with family or redecorate a space in your home.
The lovely Leo sun sign (July 23- Aug. 22) will become very fixed on their viewpoints near the 9th of September due to the Mars retrograde. They will be convinced that their viewpoint is right but more aware that there are two sides to every story. When Jupiter goes direct on the 12th, you may be inspired to get your act together on the exercise front. Those exercise videos you were obsessed with over quarantine? Might be time to break those out again. The new moon on the 17th is in your house of money, preparing you to do some serious budgeting to try to attain what you want. Whatever it is you can do it!
My dear Virgo (Aug. 23- Sept. 22) I wish you the happiest of birthdays this month! This month is all about the grind for you. You will be looking to get things done. This especially includes things like finances. When the sun moves into your house of money on the 22nd, you may feel super at ease with yourself.
The darling Libras (Sept. 23- Oct. 22) have always been good at tackling obstacles on a daily basis. The full moon on the 2nd may have you taking a particular look inward to do some important work on yourself. Try some new relaxation methods like yoga or meditation to find some peace this month.
My Scorpios (Oct. 23- Nov. 21) you will be making many changes in your daily routines this month. When Venus goes into Leo on the 6th of this month, you may be feeling highly motivated to make a spontaneous change in your life just to switch some things up. In your house of friendship, the new moon may make you want to focus more on your particular group.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 21) house of home and family will be experiencing some change this month due to the upcoming full moon. You may want to spend more time at home cuddled up on the sofa as we start to transition into the colder season. This will be a transition month for you. Unlike your usual spontaneous self, you may begin to experience a feeling of contentment right where you are.
The Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan 19) may experience a lot of motivation to get out and do things this month. Whether it’s a simple walk in the park or an outing with friends, you also may experience a hunger to learn new things and share ideas with other people.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18) has got money on their brain. The full moon will be in their house of money and self worth. You may experience a feeling to start elevating yourself and working more on self care. On the 9th, Mars will move into your house of communication. You may want to start journaling and getting your thoughts onto paper.
Pisces (Feb 19- March 20) are very in their own dreamy world. The full moon will make you feel like spending more time with yourself. Also, as Jupiter goes into direct orbit on the 12th into your house of friendship you may also want to start catching up with your friend.
All this month is focused on personal changes for all of the zodiac. Pay more attention to yourself and your goals and do not forget to take personal time for yourself.
Image Credit: Josh Rangel on Unsplash