Andrew Prince
Staff Reporter
Sony’s marketing skills are garbage most of the time, especially for the new Spider-Man movie. The marketing for Spider-Man: No Way Home is extremely low quality, they usually release the trailer a few months back, approximately 6 months, but instead they did not release the trailer for 4 months. There has been little to no marketing for the Spider-Man movie.
The new trailer has come out for the new Spider-Man movie and it was good, but the marketing before all of this was really bad. Do not think Sony is smart with the marketing because a lot of the movie has been leaked and rumors have been spread about it. I love Spider-Man and the movies but Sony’s marketing tactics are something I intensely dislike.
I do not enjoy the way they promote. The movies and the shows they make, in my opinion, are not smart, there does not seem to be any logical thinking on any of their networking teams. Things keep getting leaked and their films keep getting ruined by the people working for them.
Sony really needs to handle the marketing of the new Marvel movie to the Marvel company itself. Marvel markets itself way better than Sony and it proves that some companies just really suck at this stuff.
I do not like Sony because they are not a well run company. They need a new CEO, or owner, or someone who knows how to market correctly. In my opinion, they really need a new owner or executive, only because their marketing is straight garbage.
This move also appears to signal that the walls between television and film are crumbling as more and more entertainment is streamed in the home. Under the restructure, the new marketing group will be run by Paul Noble and Danielle Misher Co-Heads of Global Theatrical Marketing, along with Lexine Wong Head of Global Multichannel Distribution Marketing. They really fumbled the bag with the marketing for Spider-Man: No Way Home.
