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Ironwood Tea Accounts Need To Be Stopped

Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Joleen Cope

Staff Reporter

Social media can get toxic so quickly. Surely, almost everyone is aware of the Ironwood tea accounts on Instagram that have been going around.

If you are somehow unaware of this going about, there are several accounts being run by anonymous Ironwood students that have been posting “tea” about other students on campus. People message these accounts telling a true or untrue story about another student. These messages remain anonymous as well. That is one of the most harmful things about these accounts, there is no telling what is false or not. Even if it is not true, people still believe what they want, and this has been causing stress around students.

These accounts first started around the beginning of quarantine. Not nearly as many people were involved with it at the time as it did not get as much attention then. Even at this time, it affected people, nonetheless. It seemed that these accounts slowed down for a bit, but recently, nearer to the beginning of August, they have been coming back worse than before. People have been spreading rumors and accusations around like wildfire. Whether these posts about each other are true or not, this is not the way to go about it.

Many of these tea accounts have been being made in the past month, even after their first ones have gotten deleted. I want to make it very clear that participating in this drama is not okay at all. In all honesty, it is a good idea to report these accounts if you come across them. This will not end unless people stop giving the account owners what they want. They want to start drama and cause problems between people. Do not be tempted to send them a message that they can post on their account and do not be inspired to create an account of your own. It seems like fun and games until it happens to you.

If you or anyone else has an actual issue that needs to be solved do not go to social media. Instead, go to a trusted adult and report what is going on in a harmless way. Negativity has been a growing issue since quarantine, and it is important to help each other out of this long-lasting funk. There is no need to cause more trouble than there already is. Ignore this drama and spread more positive messages around to friends or just random classmates. I am sure they will appreciate it.

Image Credit: Instagram


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