Christopher Byassee
Staff Reporter
Inside Out is a movie about a girl named Riley and her parents moving to San Francisco from Minnesota. We see the emotions in her head, and what they go through on a day-to-day basis. Her emotions are Anger, Sadness, Joy, Disgust, and Fear.
There is a rumor that the whole movie is about DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder), which is a split personality disorder. When you think about this it sounds pretty crazy, the movie is just about the emotions in someone’s head but makes several parallels to DID. If you are curious to learn more about DID you should go read one of my past articles about DID awareness.
The characters Joy and Sadness get sucked into a tube and go to a place called Long Term Memory, where they flush out all of the memories from each day. The reason they got there was because Sadness was trying to touch a core memory, the memories that makeup Riley's personality. They are originally yellow, the color of Joy, but when Sadness touches them they turn blue. While in class on the first day Riley had to introduce herself to the class, she ends up freaking out and a core memory pops up, but it is blue. Joy tries to stop it but ends up breaking the tube to Long Term Memory. They both get sucked in along with all of the core memories.
While Joy and Sadness are gone, Disgust, Anger, and Fear try to control Riley’s emotions, but they are not trying to act like themselves, they are trying to substitute for Joy. However, they can not think like Joy because they are not like her; they do not have the capacity to think or be any other emotion than what they actually are. So Riley loses all sense of happiness and the emotions thought it would make her happy to run back to Minnesota. Eventually, Joy and Sadness make it back to Headquarters: they both see that Riley is running away and Joy thinks she can fix it, but Sadness ends up taking over and makes Riley sad. She realizes she does not want to run away and Riley goes home and her mom and dad are waiting there for her. They all cry on each other's shoulders. As all of the personalities (emotions) come back Riley starts acting like herself again and they all start to appreciate sadness more often. Reily displayed having DID because of some of the symptoms of DID including losing emotions and or part of the brain you substitute that is missing like when Joy left.
Image Credit: Disney/Pixar
