Trinity Clark
Assistant Editor-In-Chief
Due to the quarantine, everyone’s usual tradition of going out to buy candy and colored eggs may not seem like a great idea for this Easter. Still, families should try have some light-hearted fun during these times so this article will go over a few ways to do that.
One idea would be to make sugar cookies and royal icing to go along with them. Sugar cookies are the perfect cookie to decorate a they can be made hard enough to take on any amount of icing one could put on top of them. Plus, if you have any food coloring around, you can make this process even more fun! Make swirled -colored icing and lightly dip the cookies in. This would be fun for the whole family and there would be no reason to fret over the mess- you will have plenty of free time to clean it up!
Another tradition some families partake in is hiding caring messages around the house. While eggs and candy might be in low supply in your home right now, you can always right some nice words to your family members. Cut out a small piece of paper with their name on it and write an encouraging message inside of it. Hide it somewhere they will be likely to look and see if you can brighten their day a little!
Find a favorite for your household to watch, but before you start the movie get a bowl of treats in front of everyone. This can be whatever you have around the house. Turn watching the movie into a game by having everyone pick a favorite catchphrase or character from the movie. Every time that phrase is said, or a person’s character comes on screen, take a treat from the bowl. If two people’s phrases are said right after each other or two people’s characters come on screen at the same time, do a safe competition for the treat. This could be a thumb war or rock, paper, scissors. This is an easy game and a fun way to hand out some treats to the family.
One last suggestion for how to spend Easter would be to make positive message boards to put out in your front lawn. You can decorate some cute boards or even write in chalk on the sidewalk some Happy Easter sayings for those walking by your house, delivering your mail, picking up your trash, or even just driving by. This can be a fun activity and is likely to spread some Easter cheer.
Just a reminder as well, staying safe does not mean staying out of contact! Calling your grandparents and other family members is still a great way to spend Easter. This can bring a smile to their faces and help you to feel more connected to them during these hard times.
Hopefully everyone can have a wonderful Easter despite these hard times!
Image Credit: Trinity Clark