Joleen Cope
Staff Reporter
Something that happens quite often, especially with students in various schools, that does not get dealt with accordingly as much as they should, is fights. It happens more than most adults think.
Personally, I have seen plenty of fights while just walking around school and around our community. Plenty of these situations happen just because people want to start drama. It is important to try to keep yourself out of these mishaps or misunderstandings. Although most students want to, knowing how to do so is the issue.
First, make sure if someone is trying to start something with you, always walk away. This is easier said than done. Just keep in mind that the person is probably trying to get a reaction out of you and make you mad, do not let them. Walking away is doing the right thing but there are unfortunately times when the person does not let you walk away. This could mean following you or even grabbing your back. It is very difficult to get out of a situation like this, which is also why you should not go places alone because if it comes to it someone with you can help you out.
Of course, walking away is the best thing to do if it is possible. If not, then you might just have to either protect yourself somehow or fight back. This is the worst-case scenario. If they have you on the ground or they are hitting you try blocking them first before ever hitting back. Like said before if worse comes to worse you might have to fight back. Just always let the other person hit first so it is self-defense.
Also, with many student fights, the people around record them. There is no way around this honestly. This can make one feel pressured to put on a performance due to fear of being called weak. There is no reason to give any thought to the cameras around you. Instead, focus on keeping yourself safe and not losing your cool. There are severe consequences for fighting that can leave a permanent mark on your record. In the end, the person who stays calm and collected during these situations is the winner.
If it gets way too bad to handle and the oppositions will not leave you alone, you can even call the cops. Only do this if it is completely necessary. Which could be times when they are stopping you on the street while driving or walking. These situations can be scary but just try to stay safe and remember not to go places alone.
Image Credit: CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash