Trinity Clark
Assistant Editor-in-Chief
Are you experiencing cabin fever yet? I certainly am- counting the number of days spent in my room has gotten quite boring and my mind seems to be racing around, looking for things to do! Luckily, I have found that exercising can be an effective way to calm one’s mind.
Exercising is extremely essential for all people to keep functioning and we do a lot of exercises all the time. Whether we realize it or not, we all exercise. Walking, lifting things up, even just breathing are considered exercising. After doing all of these things for so long, however, our body does them automatically and our muscles become trained to carry out these movements. On the other hand, doing new exercises that are foreign to our bodies require a lot of focus and easily distracts a person’s mind from their current situation.
Now is the perfect time for many people to discover just how calming exercise can be. Of course, the word ‘calming’ would only refer to one’s mind as doing a new exercise will be straining on their body. This is a good thing though, and it is the reason that the idea of exercising to relax exists. Many athletes have admitted that a big reason they participate in their respective sport is because of the way it forces them to concentrate on their progress rather than everything they are going through.
As stated before, exercises can be simplistic too. Some try to work on the coordination and balance by moving their limbs in conjunction with each other. Others try stretching and dancing for a while. As long as it is new to their body, it will require focus. Not to mention, with such a plethora of resources available online and in books for exercises to there is no reason a beginner could not give it a try.
Having a goal in mind while doing an exercise can also bring a level of satisfaction and the feeling of purpose that will further help with one’s mindset. There are a wide range of goals one can have, including slimming down, building up muscle, becoming more flexible, increasing speed or endurance, and many more. Evaluating oneself and finding a fitting goal is the first step one should take before starting. Then, trying to involve family members or friends through online chat is a good second step as it will bring a feeling of companionship to the exercise.
Some good resources for exercises would be Emi Wong on YouTube, OFFICIALTHENX on YouTube, and the app JEFIT. Emi Wong does a great job of encouraging beginners in their journey to tone and slim down their bodies. OFFICIALTHENX videos have a wide range of workouts and try to push viewers harder than they have been before. JEFIT has everything from workout plans, to trackers, to categorized exercises that pinpoint certain muscles in the body.
Hopefully exercise can help a bit with your cabin fever!
Image Credit: Jonathan Borba on Unsplash