Hayley Kilday
Staff Reporter
The beginning of my senior year started off pretty rocky since we did not come back from spring break last year and I had to finish my Junior year online. That was not the hard part though. The hard part was the uncertainty of coming back to school for the 2020 school year. Starting online schooling and needing to get used to learning new things through a computer screen was pretty tough. Though it was nice to wake up five minutes before school starts and log into school in your pajamas, it was not good for my mental health at all. Not being able to physically see and interact with any of my classmates took a huge toll on me mentally. It was so bad my grades started to slip, which caused more stress and mental issues until in person school started again.
Once in person schooling started again things started to get better from there. Being able to interact personally with my teachers and my peers helped to motivate me to improve my mental health and my grades seemingly went up and got better from there. Once my grades got better it made it easier to relax and actually enjoy all of my classes. Conceptual Physics and French being just two of my favorite classes that I was taking. Though one class in particular, Newspaper, is ultimately my favorite because it not only helped encourage me to get my work done but it is fun and, for the most part, had a relaxing setting.
I made a few really good friends in this class that I hope I will stay in contact with at the end of the year when we all leave Ironwood for higher education and to further our future careers. It was also easier to establish an almost friendship-like relationship with some of my teachers, my Physics and French teachers being the most prominent. Making and establishing these friendships made it easier to make the decision to move up north to be with my mom, who at this point I have not lived with in a couple of months. Having this support to move was great, it did make me realize how much I was going to miss everyone though, but my mental health is important and being with my mom is what I needed. She encourages me to keep my grades up and they have not slipped up once since I have been up here.
Since I have been up here I have actually made two new friends and we started to learn how to play DnD together. I thought it was going to be hard leaving everything and everyone I knew down there, and it was for a little while but I still talk to everyone down there. It was good for my mental health to get a fresh start with my mom and my dog Zeus. It even snowed the other day! It was a very exciting first experience for me and Zeus. Looking towards all of the bright spots makes things easier and though this year may not be completely over yet and there may have been some ups and downs, overall the year 2020 has been very exciting. I wish you all the best in the future!
Image Credit: Estee Janssens
