Joleen Cope
Staff Reporter
Halloween is coming up quick. Although there is still a month until then, it is never too early to get your house ready for the spooky holiday. There are many ways to get your house dressed up for the occasion and here are some ideas to get you thinking about how you will do this.
Getting your house decorated and ready for Halloween takes a lot of work. Well, at least, it is when you want to impress your neighbors with your spooky themed front yard. Some people go for scarier decorations to impress the adults and others go for a cuter theme, usually meant more for smaller kids. Either way, there are plenty of ideas out there to fit your decorating needs. To start off this list with something that never fails you could turn your front yard into a cemetery. This has been done many times but still joys the Halloween fans when they pass by your house. To do this you could buy the styrofoam tombstones at the store, or you could just simply paint some cardboard to create the same effect. You could leave the tombstones and call it a day, or you could add other things to bring it all together. These things could be spider webs, fog machines, or even maybe a skeleton to two in there to bring the graveyard to life.
Another classic Halloween decoration is jack-o-lanterns. Many people carve pumpkins every year to put them on display to show the neighbors your pumpkin carving skills. If you are not comfortable with making them every year, you could get artificial pumpkins from a craft store and carve them too. Also, these carved artificial pumpkins can be used again and again until you feel the need to change them out. If pumpkins just are not your style, another way to light up a walkway is with cute ghosts. This craft is very simple and even better if you have milk jugs that are going to be thrown out. All you need to do is draw ghost faces on your empty milk jugs and light them up with a string of lights. This will surely bring a smile on peoples’ faces.
If you are looking for more indoor decorations, there are plenty of things to choose from as well. To bring the festivity into your home, make some garland. One way to do this is to blow up some balloons, draw some faces like those of zombies, vampires, or werewolves on them, and attach them to a string to then hang on your wall. Of course, if you do not like balloons you could also make ones with paper with the same process of drawing on a design and hanging them on a string. Another thing to make garland with is ghosts. You take some ping pong balls and put either a tissue or cheesecloth on top and then draw on cute ghost faces. This decoration is so cute and will have house guests smiling.
These ideas are all crafts, but you could always use the decoration you still have from years before or even just buy decorations at the store. You do not even have to make these the same as others, as they are customizable. These are not all of the Halloween decorations you can use but it is a start. Hopefully these sparked some of your own ideas as well. Have fun with the decorations and stay safe this Halloween.
Image Credit: NeONBRAND on Unsplash