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Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Cabin Fever

Bianca Harkless

Staff Reporter

Cabin fever is real, and I have felt it since the first week of the Corona Break, as I have so affectionately started to call the cancellation of school.

For those who are unaware, cabin fever is the claustrophobic feeling someone can get when they are isolated for a period of time. I am claustrophobic as it is, so the feeling of being locked inside my house with my family was not the most appealing. Thankfully, I have found a few things that make me feel less claustrophobic.

For starters, I have started to go on walks with my family. We walk the trails at Rio Vista and we have found other, not crowded trails to walk. I also have been spending more time reading books. Throughout the break I have read a total of 10 books and counting.

Another way to avoid cabin fever I have found is to talk to your friend. Although you might not be able to go out and do things together, you can still talk to them. On top of that, I used this break to catch up on sleep and tv shows that I have missed. Recently I have started to rewatch Shameless, The Mandorlian, and Greenleaf. Shameless and Greenleaf are both on Netflix, while The Mandorlian is on Disney+.

Now that school has started up again, I am spending less time watching shows and reading. Some tips I have already learned is that you should not procrastinate doing your work. For example, one of my teachers assigns all of our work for the week on Monday. I do all the work for that class on Monday along with the work with my other class, leaving me less work to do throughout the week.

Overall, I think we should look on the bright side of this break. Yes, school, prom and so many other things have been ruined by the school year coming to an early ending, but we cannot do anything about it. Try and stay active, catch up on your school work and just keep up with everything. Before you know it, everything will go back to normal (hopefully)!

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