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Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Basic Crystals Uses

Vanessa Morales

Staff Reporter

Have you ever collected shiny, smooth, or really any rock that caught your eye as a kid? Personally, I used to collect rocks but now I collect crystals! Crystals? Like Jewelry? Nope! Crystals by themselves and you can purchase them at any spiritual shop. As of matter of fact, a lot of people collect crystals, and some of them use them for their hidden properties. Many believe that crystals can heal you, help you with their sacred properties, or even enhance spells.

It is scientifically proven that crystals have a special vibe to them which supports the idea that they have certain properties and an article from agrees by stating, “Scientifically, every object in existence vibrates at its own frequency related to its specific density. This is true for stones, trees, water, and even humans — everything. This can be quantified in a scientific lab and is a vast subject entirely on its own.” There are many different types of vibrations that each crysta02l may hold and if you search up a specific crystal, you can find a lot of information on what it can do and what it works for. Whenever people practice witchcraft, they commonly use crystals when they cast spells or even as charms for certain emotions and situations. There are lots of ways to use crystals in your everyday life if you choose to buy them or do more than just collect them.

Some crystals represent certain aspirations and knowing which types of aspirations you typically have in life can help you decide which crystals you would want to purchase. The most common crystals to collect first are typically amethyst, quartz, rose quartz, citrine, moonstone, selenite, tiger’s eye, and tourmaline. Each of these listed crystals are good for a common aspiration one may have and can be easily found at a store that sells crystals. In case you cannot find a specific crystal, clear quartz is a good place holder for any crystal you may need if you do not have access to it yet. I have experience with using crystals and they are easy to recognize and learn about the more time you spend with them.

I usually buy small individual crystals which usually cost me around a dollar or less, but I may someday purchase bigger clusters for prices ranging from 20 to 100 dollars depending on the type and how big the cluster is. Whenever I use one of my crystals for a spell, I will typically hold one in my hand after cleansing it with incense smoke and then close my eyes and focus on the intent I may want to have with it. Visualizing my goals and believing in results enhances it to help me attract what I need to.

There is so much more to crystals and doing your own research on them can be fun if you are interested in the matter or want to get some of your own. It would be cool if Ironwood had a witchcraft club where many who practice it can share their own knowledge and speak on the matter of crystals and much more.

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