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A Review of American Horror Story Continued

Ironwood Eagle's Eye

Christopher Byassee

Staff Reporter

This article will contain spoilers for season four of American Horror Story and mentions of violence, suicide, and murder, readers discretion is advised.

As previously mentioned in part one, “After the encounter Dot and Bette demanded certain things from Elsa such as, the money from Dandy, a surgeon that would perform a surgery to separate them, and finally 10% box top of Elsa Television's acts.” The twins finally came to their senses and declined the offer from the doctor after realizing that one of them would have to die if they were to be surgically separated. It would be nearly impossible to have both of them live because both twins share the same vital organs and the thought of one without each other would be devastating.

Elsa was furious that she could not get rid of them, before she could do something terrible, Ethel walked in on her preparing to kill the twins. Ethel had pulled a gun on her, Elsa was quick on her feet and threw a knife right through her eye. She felt horrible afterward, Ethel was her best friend. She had chained Ethel to a tree, sat in her car, chained her neck to a tree, and put a rock on the gas pedal to decapitate her.

Spencer, the guy taking Elsa to Hollywood, needed money to take her. So he murdered many of Elsa’s freaks to sell their body parts to a museum focused on bodies with physical disabilities. Stanley had blackmailed most of the freaks, making them kill each other so his hands “never got dirty.” Meanwhile, with Dandy his murderous killing spree, he had killed a family of five girls, his mother, and then his childhood best friend. He had read an article about how in the past they bathed in the best warrior’s blood to absorb their power and strength. After he killed them, he would bathe in their blood, going as far as making puppets out of their dead bodies to remind him of the twins. Dandy hired a private investigator to stalk the twins to ensure their protection.

Near the end of American Horror Story Chester planned on taking over the show after Elsa left for Hollywood. Spencer's final act would be to cut the hand of the “lobster boy” after that he butchered until there was nothing left. Chester wanted to perform his magic with his puppet and perform ventriloquism but Elsa did not believe he would bring in enough revenue for the circus. However, he bought out the place so he could do anything he wanted. Chester was in love with the twins and the twins loved him back but Dandy wanted the twins all to himself. He told the twins that he had committed a murder in his earlier years, they were cautious with him. It turns out he was mentally unstable and thought his doll was a real person telling him to commit murders, it got too much for him and he cut a girl in half and “killed” his doll, and turned himself in. The freaks finally found out about all she had done, so they planned on killing her but the twins told her to get out while she could. She called Dandy and she sold him the circus for 10,000 dollars cash.

Dandy would go on to do his final homicide. After the freaks spit in his face, pinned him to the floor, and called him trash, worthless, and the worst freak of all. He got tired of it and shot all of them in the head one by one. He missed two of them but he just assumed they were not there. He had no worry for them knowing no one would care if the freaks were dead. He went home to get married to the twins weeks later. The twins had hired the girl who had made it out alive, they drugged him and then brought him back to the circus to drown him in a magician’s box.

Elsa would have won three Emmy awards with her television career. Elsa’s final performance was on Halloween so that Mordrake would kill her and take her with his group. However, she did not go with him; she was sent to the circus with the rest of the people who had been murdered to have an ongoing performance just like they wanted. Jimmy and the twins got married and they are currently pregnant, the maid left and had two kids in Hollywood with her husband. They all ended with what they wanted: a normal life.

Image Credit: American Horror Story


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